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Life raft floating in stormy sea
Read the story and accounts carefully.

Grade 5 Reading Information - Similarities and Differences

This English Language quiz is called 'Similarities and Differences' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Even though events may seem to reveal the same facts, different points of view may alter those facts. Different accounts of the same event provide a lot of information about a topic. Some accounts may be similar in their facts, but others may have different or opposing information. In this case, the student will need to determine the credibility of each account. In this quiz, students will answer questions about different accounts of a situation.

Story - Surviving Being Lost at Sea
Surviving being lost at sea is difficult for anyone who finds themselves in this situation. In a lifeboat lost at sea following their capsized ship, members of the crew experience different outcomes based on their behavior and decisions. All of the food and bottled water that was removed from the ship prior to it capsizing was distributed among the crew members.

Account 1 - Mark
All three of us entered the lifeboat where we dispersed the food and water. I did not catch many fish and then I lost my sharp tool in the ocean below the boat. I realize that I am the youngest and least experienced crew member on the boat, but I suffered the most because the crew members only helped me initially. At first, they gave me some food and some of their water. However, I love to eat food and I noticed that I didn’t have as much food as the others after a few hours. So, I know that they ate some of my food. I had to resort to drinking the ocean water when I got really thirsty.

Account 2 - Leslie
I had about three years’ experience working on boats at the time of this encounter. While on the lifeboat, I was aware that I needed to keep as much bottled water as possible. I only drank from my own supply when I felt thirsty. However, I know that I had trouble catching fish. I did eat the food that was allotted to me to keep up my strength. I told Bill to use the lighter to warm his fish. I survived but with injuries since I did not have a lot of food because no one shared food with me.

Account 3 - Bill
As the captain of the capsized boat, I have the most experience of the crew members. I knew to conserve my bottled water and food. I told the other two to eat and drink only a few times a day which is what I did. Each of these times was done in small amounts. I devised a plan to use a net to swoop up any small plankton or fish that I could catch. The other two crew members didn’t seem interested in doing this method because they said it was pointless and Mark seemed to struggle with survival the most. However, I kept my hands and body out of the ocean and was able to add a small amount of food to my supply each few days. I survived with minimal injuries at the time of the rescue.
1 .
Read Account 1 - Mark of the story - Surviving Being Lost at Sea.
Which answer best describes Mark's behavior?
Showing poor judgment
Mark is showing poor judgment since he is not doing what the others are doing
2 .
Read all three accounts in Surviving Being Lost at Sea.
What similarity does Bill's account have with Leslie's account?
Use a fire to warm the food
No one shared food with Leslie
Use the water sparingly
Resting is more important than trying to catch fish
Both believed in drinking as little water as possible
3 .
Read all three accounts in Surviving Being Lost at Sea.
Which crew member is the most credible?
All of them are credible
Bill seems to have the most credibility as the captain
4 .
Read all three accounts in Surviving Being Lost at Sea.
What similarity does Bill's account have with Mark's account?
Drinking ocean water should be done as a last resort
Catching fish is impossible
Mark suffered the most
Using a net to catch fish is worthwhile
The main similarity between these two accounts is that Mark suffered the most
5 .
Read all three accounts in Surviving Being Lost at Sea.
Why is it likely that Bill suffered the least amount of injuries?
He conserved his energy
He did the right actions
He stole Mark's food
He took the other two ideas into account
Since Bill knew what to do, he survived with few injuries
6 .
Read all three accounts in Surviving Being Lost at Sea.
What probably happened to Mark's food?
Bill stole it
Leslie stole it
Mark ate it
Bill threw it into the ocean
Since Mark said that he loves food, he probably ate it
7 .
Read all three accounts in Surviving Being Lost at Sea.
What similarity does Mark's account have with Leslie's account?
They drank the ocean water
They have the same amount of experience
They learned how to fish
They did not share food
Both accounts include a lack of sharing food
8 .
Read Account 2 - Leslie of the story - Surviving Being Lost at Sea.
Which answer best describes Leslie's behavior?
Very knowledgeable
Leslie is careful with what she does in the lifeboat even though she does not know a lot about survival
9 .
Read Account 3 - Bill of the story - Surviving Being Lost at Sea.
Which answer best describes Bill's behavior?
Bill proves he is skilled as the captain based on his behavior and actions
10 .
Read all three accounts in Surviving Being Lost at Sea.
What difference exists in Mark's account and Leslie's account?
Someone stole Mark's food
Only Leslie survived
Only Mark suffered injuries
Mark did not want to use Bill's fishing technique
Only Mark believed that someone stole his food
Author:  Amy Flanders

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