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wildlife (wild – lif) n. things that are alive and live off the land
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windchill (wind – chil) n. the belief that the temperature of air is lower because of the breeze on the body
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window (wind-o) n. an opening in a house that allows something to go through
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windy (wind – e) adj. moving wind
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wisdom (wiz-dum) n. having the knowledge and judgment needed
wise (wiz) adj. the qualities of having knowledge and judgment needed
wish (wish) v. to want or desire for something
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withdraw (with – dro) v. to take something away
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witness (wit-nes) n. to observe something
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witty (wit – e) adj. clever
wolf (wulf) n. an animal that usually lives in the wild that is furry and has a pointy nose
wonder (wun-der) v. to think about something
Climate – the temperature, precipitation and wind conditions in an area
Core – the center part of the Earth shaped like a ball
Crust – the outside level of the Earth
Fossil – the remainder of a thing in the Earth from a much earlier time
Rock cycle – the system in which a rock is formed, transformed and made into another rock
Weather – the immediate condition of temperature, precipitation, wind, etc.
Weathering – when rock erodes due to natural occurrences
Know – learn, notice, see
Like – similar, close, comparable
Long – tall, deep, high, lengthy, expanded
Look – peek, glance, stare, view
Make – produce, form, construct
Many – several, lots, countless
Sound – noise
Water – liquid
Write – scribe, scribble, record
1 .
Use the glossary to answer the question below.
What is the difference between weather and climate?
Climate has to do with a region and weather is for one small place.
Weather has to do with a region and climate is for one small place.
Climate is about temperature and weather is about wind.
Climate is about wind and weather is about temperature.
2 .
Use the glossary to answer the question below.
Which word is the round part inside the middle of the Earth?
3 .
Use the thesaurus to answer the question below.
What word means something that is tall or deep?
4 .
Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
Which word from the dictionary means an animal that does not live in captivity?
5 .
Use the thesaurus to answer the question below.
What word means lots or countless?
6 .
Use the glossary to answer the question below.
What is the rock cycle?
The immediate condition of temperature, precipitation, wind, etc.
The remainder of a thing in the Earth from a much earlier time.
A process where rocks change and then become other rocks.
When rock erodes due to natural occurrences.
7 .
Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
How do you pronounce wise?
A short "i" sound and the "s" has a "z" sound.
A long "i" sound and the "s" has a "z" sound.
A long "i" sound and the "s" has a "sh" sound.
A short "i" sound and the "s" has a "sh" sound.
8 .
Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
Which word from the dictionary means a stream of air that feels colder than it really is?
9 .
Use the thesaurus to answer the question below.
What word means to produce or construct something?
10 .
Use the dictionary to answer the question below.
How do you pronounce witty?
A long “i” sound and the “y” has a long “e” sound.
A short “i” sound and the “y” has a long “e” sound.
A long “i” sound and the “y” has a short “e” sound.
A short “i” sound and the “y” has a short “e” sound.