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The Internet
A search engine (such as Google) is a program which can find specific data on the web.

The Internet

This Computer Science quiz is called 'The Internet' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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"Prior to the internet, the last technology that had any real effect on the way people sat down and talked together was the table." So said the American writer Clay Shirky and he may be right. The World Wide Web (www) was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and it has changed the way we live our lives. Did you know that more than two billion people use the internet? A computer network describes a group of computers that are joined together and the internet is just one giant computer network. All of the computers with an internet connection are linked and can share information with one another.

1 .
What is the easiest way to remember your favorite websites?
Trust your memory
Jot them down on scraps of paper
Bookmark or add them to your favorites
You will probably never find the same websites again
If you add a web site to your favorites then finding it again is very easy - just a click will take you there
2 .
What are browser tabs?
The tools which allow you to print a web page
A tool which allows you to make the print larger
A tool which allows you to have several web pages open at the same time
A download tool
There is an option to open a new tab. This let's you look at another webpage without having to leave the one you are already looking at
3 .
If you wanted to use the internet to send a message with a photo or file attachment to a friend, which of these could you send?
A text
An e-mail
A link
A letter
The 'e' in 'e-mail' stands for 'electronic'
4 .
If you were looking at a website and you wished to return to a previous page, you would click which button?
After you've clicked 'Back' you can click 'Forward' to return to the page you came from
5 .
URL is an abbreviation of 'Uniform Resource Locator'. What does this mean?
An attachment
A cookie
A web address
A web page
Everything that is stored on the web has a URL. The URL for Education Quizzes is
6 .
Which of the following would help you improve your search results?
Using speech marks around your word or phrase
Checking that you've spelled your word or phrase accurately
Searching for specific words or phrases
All of the above
If you were researching Celtic houses, then searching for the phrase 'Celtic houses' would result in more relevant websites than just searching for 'Celtic' - correct spelling and speech marks also help
7 .
What is a search engine?
A program which protects your computer from viruses
A program which organizes your computer
The engine which powers the internet
A program which can find specific data on the web
Yahoo, Google and Bing are three examples of search engines
8 .
What is the internet?
A computer program
A worldwide collection of computers which are connected together
A corporation (business)
A public service (like the police or health service)
Not every computer is part of the internet - computers become part of the internet when they are connected by wireless, telephone lines or cables
9 .
Who owns and controls the internet?
Bill Gates
No one
Although various parts of the internet can belong to individuals or companies (examples include software programs and hardware, such as computers, cables or servers) - the internet itself does not belong to anyone
10 .
What do we call programs which we use to access the internet?
Web pages
Search engines
Your browser retrieves - and allows you to view - information available on the world wide web
Author:  Sheri Smith

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