Quizzes make learning fun! There is no quicker way to learn about Math in Elementary School - Grades 1 and 2
Over 2,400 years ago the great philosopher, Plato, said that if he began his studies again he would start with mathematics. Given that he went on to train Aristotle and is credited with founding the world’s first university it might pay to give his words some serious thought…
Without mathematics the great buildings of the world could not have been built and ships, trains, airplanes and motor cars could never be manufactured.
Without mathematics we could not measure how far our home is from from New York or how far it is from the Earth to the Moon.
Without mathematics we could not estimate the number of species in our world and we certainly could not begin to construct a computer. On that latter point, did you know that all computing ultimately relies on just two components – ones and zeros? That’s right, the pictures and writing you see on the computer screen before you can all be boiled down to a pattern of ones and zeros. OK, we’ll accept that it is an unbelievably complicated pattern but a pattern nonetheless!
So when the little ones around you ask ‘What’s the point of math’ explain that without it the world as we know it would cease to exist. Tell them that as they begin to understand math they will start to recognize how and why things work. And tell them that math is the key by which they may enter the wonderful and fascinating world of science.
Before all that, let’s play some quizzes with the children that will help them learn to count, add and subtract. Along the way they’ll also learn about the months of the year, odd and even numbers and how to recognize shapes. Let’s make it fun for them to understand the world and help them to make it even better!