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Grade 2 Language - Prefixes (Adding)
See if you know the meanings of the ten words below.

Grade 2 Language - Prefixes (Adding)

This English Language quiz is called 'Prefixes (Adding)' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is a fun way to learn if you are in the 1st or 2nd grade - aged 6 to 8.

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Students can learn new words due to prefixes. Knowledge of prefixes allows students to figure out words based on their root words and their prefixes. Some of these examples include unhappy and happy. Students should be able to figure out what unhappy means based on the prefix and root word. In this quiz, the students will determine the meaning of a word. They will use the definitions of prefixes.

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1 .
Use the prefix meanings and root word meanings. What is the meaning of the word below?
To bake something badly.
To not bake.
To bake again.
To bake something before something else.
"Pre" means before, so prebake means to bake something first.
2 .
Use the prefix meanings and root word meanings. What is the meaning of the word below?
To read again.
To not read.
To read before doing something else.
To read something wrongly.
"Re" means again, reread means to read again.
3 .
Use the prefix meanings and root word meanings. What is the meaning of the word below?
To not be real.
To be real again.
To be real wrongly.
To be real before something else.
"Un" means not, so unreal means to not be real.
4 .
Use the prefix meanings and root word meanings. What is the meaning of the word below?
To add something again.
To add wrongly.
To add something before something else.
To not add.
"Mis" means wrongly, so misadd means to add wrongly.
5 .
Use the prefix meanings and root word meanings. What is the meaning of the word below?
To like something badly.
To not like something.
To like something again.
To like something before something else.
"Dis" means not, so dislike means to not like something.
6 .
Use the prefix meanings and root word meanings. What is the meaning of the word below?
To clean again.
Not clean.
To clean before.
To be cleaned badly.
Since "un" means not, unclean means not clean.
7 .
Use the prefix meanings and root word meanings. What is the meaning of the word below?
To wrongly pay.
To not pay.
To pay again.
To pay before an event.
"Pre" means before, so prepay means to pay beforehand.
8 .
Use the prefix meanings and root word meanings. What is the meaning of the word below?
To behave badly.
To behave the same way again and again.
To behave a way before another behavior.
To not behave good or badly.
"Mis" means badly, so misbehave means to behave badly.
9 .
Use the prefix meanings and root word meanings. What is the meaning of the word below?
Not able to do something.
Able to do something again.
Able to do something wrongly.
Able to do something before something else.
"Dis" means not so disable means not able to do something.
10 .
Use the prefix meanings and root word meanings. What is the meaning of the word below?
To make something again.
To make something before.
To not make something.
To make something wrongly.
"Re" means again, so remake means to make again.
Author:  Amy Flanders

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