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We provide teachers with a completely free service that allows them to set self-marking homework and this page will help get you started.
Can you remember when you first started using Microsoft Word or Excel or you first logged-in to the Internet? If so, you probably remember that you needed to invest a little time to come to grips with the technology. Such is the case with our teacher functionality. Realistically, you can expect to spend 15 minutes registering and learning how the system works. After that, you’ll be able to set a quiz as homework for your class in less than 5 minutes and you can use the system for the rest of your life.
You can register on the page at Teachers Homework – it will cost nothing.
We guess that by now you are thinking along the lines of individual logins for each of the students with all the attendant hassle of individual usernames, passwords and security issues. Thankfully, our technology requires none of that. Although teachers have individual records for each of their students, there are no usernames and passwords to remember and, most importantly, we will never have any personal information about students – not even their email addresses.
Every time a teacher sets a quiz as homework they are able to see which pupils played it, the scores they achieved and which question(s) gave students the most problems. These reports can be used to help decide which students need further help with the topic and which individual questions need further explanation.
Reports can be printed out with a single click. The system saves teachers the laborious job of marking 30 or more individual tests and at the same time provides a neat, lasting record of class achievements.
Please download our handout called Education Quizzes for Teachers.
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