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Favourite Holiday Destinations

Where to go on holiday?

Favourite holiday destinations – Chart from Education Quizzes

The results are in! These are the holiday destinations preferred by children:

  1. USA
  2. Spain
  3. Great Britain
  4. Greece
  5. Italy
  6. France
  7. Thailand
  8. Turkey
  9. Portugal
  10. Croatia

This week’s survey focussed on finding out the holiday preferences of our website visitors. 1,519 children gave us their views and the USA came out streets in front. Initially we thought this might be because of the “Disney Effect” – what child in their right mind doesn’t want to see a Disneyland? However, if that were the case then we would have expected France to also do well but they polled less than half the numbers of the USA.

Spain came second (we guess because of its seemingly endless sunny skies) and good old Great Britain came third – possibly because the impending Brexit will make it somewhat more difficult to travel abroad.

As always, the adults think different. According to Mark Hodson, writing in the Sunday Times, the favourite destination is Spain. In fact, his top 4 destination are all in Europe with the USA coming in at 5th spot. Trust the oldies to be less adventurous!

Update - Staycations

At the time of writing-up this survey (January 2020) most of us had never even heard of a "staycation" but by October 2020 the word had embedded itself into the vocabulary of everyone researching holidays. Checkout the Experiences section of the Humphreys of Henley website for some great ideas. You'll be amazed at the variety of wonderful things you can do here in the UK.

Full Results

For the statistically minded, here is the full set of numbers for the survey:

Country Quantity of Voters Percentage of Voters
USA 322 22
Spain 198 13
Great Britain 171 11
Greece 158 11
Italy 157 10
France 155 10
Thailand 142 9
Turkey 87 6
Portugal 81 5
Croatia 48 3

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