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World Wildlife Day Quiz Illustration | Wolf
Are there any wild wolves in Britain?

World Wildlife Day Quiz

March 3rd is World Wildlife Day, a day to celebrate the world’s wild plants and animals. The date was chosen because on the same date in 1973, the United Nations General Assembly brought the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora into effect, in an attempt to help conserve wildlife.

To mark the occasion, we have written this quiz full of fun and interesting facts about animals. If you are a nature lover, then you should do well in this quiz. You might also want to have a look at our Nature quizzes, which will test your knowledge of animals, plants and even mountains and outer space! Why not give them a go?

But for now, see how many of these questions you can get right. Some might be more challenging than others! Good luck.

1 .
Many animals migrate, but which of these migrates the furthest?
The wandering albatross
The chinook salmon
The arctic tern
The humpback whale
Arctic terns travel an amazing 71,000 km (44,000 miles) a year – that’s almost twice the diameter of the earth! Humpback whales have the longest migration of any mammal and travel up to 9,800 km (6,090 miles) – nowhere near as far as terns, but still a long way
2 .
The loudest animal in the world makes more noise than a jet’s sonic boom. Which animal is it?
The African elephant
The pistol shrimp
The electric eel
The sperm whale
Sperm whales have calls which can be as loud as 230 decibels – a sonic boom is a mere 200 decibels. We can’t hear these because they are at a very low frequency. Despite their tiny size, pistol shrimps can produce sounds as loud as 200 decibels by snapping their claws!
3 .
Only one type of bird can fly backwards for a reasonable distance. Which?
Whilst many different types of bird can fly backwards by being ‘pushed’ by the wind, or a short distance by ‘fluttering’, the only ones which can genuinely fly backwards are hummingbirds. Cuckoos can go backwards – when they are in cuckoo clocks!
4 .
Which animal has the slowest heart rate?
The pygmy shrew
The African elephant
The dormouse
The blue whale
Human hearts beat something between 60 and 100 times a minute. A blue whale’s heart beats 8 times a minute, or just twice a minute when they are diving for food. In contrast, a pygmy shrew’s heart beats 1,200 times a second!
5 .
There is one family of animals in which the males give birth. Which family is it?
The Syngnathidae family includes seahorses, pipefish and sea dragons. The females lay their eggs in the male's pouch and he carries them until they emerge fully developed, but not very large.
Canidae are dogs, ursidae are bears and felidae are cats, all of which are mammals whose mothers give birth to their young
6 .
Humans are not the only animals with fingerprints. Which of these does not have them?
Fingerprints evolved to help us grip things and our closest relatives have them too. Koalas are not closely related to us, but they evolved fingerprints separately, whilst squirrels did not
7 .
Between 1970 and 2010, the human population increased by over 50%. By what percentage did wildlife decrease over the same period?
The more people there are on the planet, the worse wildlife fares. Habitat destruction to make way for farms is the biggest cause of this
8 .
Britain is home to a variety of wildlife. Which of these does not live in the wild here?
The last wild wolf in Britain died around 1800. We have beavers, although they are endangered. Wallabies and mink were introduced in the early 20th Century and have wild populations to this very day
9 .
Sloths are known for taking their time! How long does it take a sloth to digest its food (clue: it takes humans between 24 and 72 hours)?
Up to a year
Up to a month
Up to a fortnight
Up to a week
Sloths have very slow metabolisms (hence their slow movement) and low-calorie food, which mean that their food takes a long time to pass through their digestive systems. The average time is about 16 days, but it can take up to a month
10 .
Rhinoceroses are famous for their horns. What are their horns made from?
Rhinoceros horns are in fact made from a protein called keratin. This is the same material that human hair and nails are made from
Author:  Graeme Haw

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