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Guide Quiz - STEM
Girl Guides are encouraged to explore and engage with STEM education in various fun and exciting way.

Guide Quiz - STEM

STEM is made up of four subjects: science, engineering, maths, and technology. These subjects combined help us understand how the world around us works. Through this understanding, we are able to develop new technologies, solve complex problems, and create new solutions—all of which improve our day-to-day lives. Girl Guides are encouraged to explore and develop an understanding of STEM. They learn through fun activities such as nature exploration, science experiments, coding, and engineering projects. All of these skills can be applied in real-life situations.

Some examples include: Finances—mathematical skills are essential to understanding finances, percentages, and more. Home energy efficiency—knowing about energy efficiency can help reduce your carbon footprint and save money. Gardening—understanding basic biology and environmental science helps you learn about plants, soil, and the creatures in your garden.

Test your knowledge of STEM and see how well you understand it.

1 .
What does STEM stand for?
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Science, Technology, Environment, and Management
Science, Theory, Engineering and Mathematics
Science, Technology, Energy, and Mechanics
STEM encompasses four key areas that are essential for innovation and problem-solving in our world today.
2 .
Which scientist is known for the theory of relativity?
Isaac Newton
Marie Curie
Albert Einstein
Charles Darwin
Einstein's theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity.
3 .
What is the main purpose of coding in technology?
To create art
To give instructions
To play games
To build physical structures
Coding is the process of creating instructions for a computer to follow, this is the foundation of computer programming.
4 .
Which of the following is a renewable energy source?
Nuclear energy
Natural gas
Solar power
Solar power harnesses energy from the sun and is considered renewable because it will not run out.
5 .
What is the function of a scientist conducting an experiment?
To observe and gather data
To prove their theory right
To entertain their friends
To make a product
Experiments are designed to test theories and gather data for analysis.
6 .
In engineering, what does CAD stand for?
Creative Art Development
Complex Analytical Data
Computer Aided Design
Computerized Application Development
Computer Aided Design software is used by engineers and architects to create detailed designs and blueprints.
7 .
Which branch of science studies living organisms?
Biology focuses on the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth and evolution.
8 .
What is the primary role of engineers?
To teach others
To conduct experiments
To create laws
To solve problems and design solutions
Engineers use scientific and mathematical principles to design and build structures, systems, and processes.
9 .
Which tool is often used to measure temperature?
A thermometer is an instrument that measures temperature, commonly used in weather forecasting and scientific experiments.
10 .
Which of the following careers involves working with robots?
Robotic programmer
Robotics engineer
Robotics engineers design and build robots, often using principles from various STEM fields.
Author:  Tara Kemp

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