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All Kinds of Christians 1
A lion called Christian.

All Kinds of Christians 1

This Quiz, All Kinds of Christians, and its companion are about Christian people, in all the splendid variety in which they believe God has made and called them. Whatever your own spiritual views, stand by for some interesting surprises!

1 .
You may have heard it claimed that 'we are living in a post-Christian society', at least in the West; but despite the challenges, there is at least one part of the world where, according to simple statistics, 'at present rates there will soon be more Christians than people'. Where is this?
It was once claimed that this would be the case by the turn of the Millennium, yet rates of uptake of Christian faith continue to rise in what is nominally a one-party atheist state.
2 .
Which of the following 'televangelists' in the USA is the ONLY one (within this list) thus far un-tainted by sexual or financial scandal?
Jimmy Swaggart
Billy Graham
Paul and Jan Crouch (Trinity Broadcasting)
Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker
It may ill behove us, in this context, to criticise (let alone gloat over) the lapses of fallible people who have ~ no doubt ~ set out in good faith to 'spread God's Word' ... but can seem to be a strangely persistent correlation between televangelism and corruption/hypocrisy; if you have the stomach for it, paste any of our 'wrong' Answers here (i.e. nos. 1, 3 or 4) into a browser and see what comes up.
Billy Graham, on the other hand, was a pioneer in this general kind of ministry. He died in 2018, 9 months short of reaching his personal century. His direct and indirect influence on people in America and further afield, from Presidents and Martin Luther King to many hundreds of thousands of less conspicuous but genuine altar-call converts, might perhaps appropriately be described as 'probably incalculable, this side of the pearly gates'.
3 .
Though the title of the work may be unfamiliar, most of us would probably recognise some of the music from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana (not least from film and commercial soundtracks). The texts for this work ~ many of which are, shall we say, 'secular', if not in some places distinctly raunchy ~ were selected from an anthology written in Latin, old German and various other languages ... by members of what Christian community?
The monks of Benediktbeuern were responsible for this collection of satirical, drinking, gambling and love poems, way back in the 11th and 12th centuries. The manuscript was discovered at the monastery in the very early 19th century, and two dozen of its pieces, famously including 'O Fortuna' at the start and finish, were set for choir, soloists and large orchestra by Carl Orff during the mid-1930s (the 'Weimar Germany' period). Orff was himself originally a percussionist, so the vocal writing is almost unremittingly 'puls-y', without any hint of counterpoint such as choirs routinely expect in conventional oratorio ~ but this isn't by any means a conventional oratorio: it's punchy and raunchy and altogether great fun in its celebration of 'life in all its fulness'!
4 .
What do the monks of Mount Athos perpetually continue to forbid in their hilltop monastery?
There have allegedly been occasional challenges and breaches of this rule (see Wikipedia), but the original vow dates back almost a thousand years ~ half the Christian era, near-as ~ to 1046.
5 .
'We gather for a weekly Remembrance Meeting at the Gospel Hall, but we do not have priests as such, nor choirs, for our beliefs are simple and Scriptural. The theologian FF Bruce was one of ours, along with Argentinian evangelist Luis Palau, the early aircraft designer Handley Page, and Joseph Scriven who wrote that widely-loved hymn What a Friend we have in Jesus. Who are we?'
Pilgrim Fathers
Plymouth Brethren
Strict Baptists
Free Church of Scotland
The Brethren have been in existence since the early 19th century, with their first roots in fact in Dublin.
6 .
From time to time 'sects' come and go within the mainstream of Christianity. When and where did the Agapemonites flourish?
Greece, in the 3rd century
Switzerland, during and after the Hundred Years' War
Texas (USA) in the early 20th century
London and coastal southern England, from the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries
By all accounts these were 'a rum lot', with a charismatic founder going into spiritual ecstasies in front of his congregation, and his successor declaring himself (in 1902) to be Jesus Christ reincarnate before retreating to the south coast to found a commune. Many of the followers who surrendered their possessions were apparently unmarried women from the upper echelons of society and there was more than a whiff of scandal. The sect is now extinct and its London church (complete with pets' gravestones, behind the Stamford Hill bus depot at Clapton) is run by another denomination. This story from an earlier generation, in the wake of the Victorian deregulation of nonconformist Christian activity, bears interesting contrast with the 'televangelists' as in our earlier question.
7 .
In the late 1960s two Australian travellers walked into Harrods' store in London, purchased / adopted 'a lion called Christian' (as in the title of their subsequent book and film), and kept him in the basement of an antique shop in London's West End ... one couldn't do that nowadays, for all sorts of very valid reasons! He was allowed outdoor exercise in the grounds of a nearby Moravian church.
Where did the Moravian Church (as a whole, and now with well towards 1 million members worldwide) have its origins?
15th-century Bohemia (now the Czech republic)
17th-century Romania
18th-century Silesia
19th-century Armenia
This Church grew from the pre-Reformation teachings of Jan Hus, and was indeed the first Protestant church as such.
8 .
There are estimated to be about 4 million members worldwide of the Coptic Church ~ yet in its original homeland for the almost 2,000 years since AD 42 (not nowadays a Christian country), a mere 10% belong. In which powerfully Biblical country does the Coptic Church have its roots?
St Mark (the youngest original evangelist) is reported to have headed into Egypt after the 'great commission' on the original Whit Sunday, and had established this branch of the church within about 10 years of the founding events of the Christian faith.
9 .
The first black Archbishop of Cape Town, this man received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his work on the relatively peaceful transition of his native South Africa from post-colonial apartheid to becoming a 'rainbow nation' (widely believed to have been his own phrase, though he would probably have been too characteristically modest to claim it). Who was he?
Canaan Banana
Mangosutho Buthelezi
Desmond Tutu
Nelson Mandela
Archbishop Tutu might very fairly be called one of the most remarkable men to have lived in our times: there was far more to him than could reasonably be condensed into one of our present Questions, and you are most strongly recommended to research for yourself his range of spiritually-driven initiatives on AIDS, racial and gender equality, forgiveness, church reform and much else besides.
Tutu 'passed to glory' (as deservedly he should have) in 2021, aged 90. May his memory be celebrated and honoured.
10 .
Evangelical ('born-again') Christians can be expected to treat themselves, and their faith and values, reasonably seriously, but would meanwhile be reluctant to be seen as lacking in humour. A staunch tradition of visual aids and latter-day parables in their worship and witness includes this still-quoted example from start-of-the-day staff prayers on a children's holiday camp:
'Lord, grant that I may greet and face today not like porridge (dull, lumpen and hard to stir) but, rather, like ... ' (?)
... rice crispies: full of snap, crackle and pop
... shredded wheat: naturally wholesome and brim-full of energy
... corn flakes: fresh, crisp and ready to serve
... sugar puffs: coated with golden goodness
Not a bad prayer, actually, is it, in its particular way? (Similarly the talk about 'teapot Christians and coffee-pot Christians'; the latter, presumably, having longer and less smiley faces)
Author:  Ian Miles

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