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Genre - Horror 2
Blue Rose is the signature of a fictitious serial killer.

Genre - Horror 2

The abundance of magazines in the early part of the 20th Century brought about a boom in the amount of horror literature. Specialist periodicals devoted to horror and fantasy, like Weird Tales, hit the market, giving budding writers the outlet they needed. Great authors such as HP Lovecraft, MR James and Dennis Wheatley emerged, each with their own particular style. We were told stories about ghosts and other supernatural phenomena. Demons were summoned from Hell to the earthly plane whilst the dead rose up from the grave to terrorise the living...

This is the second in our series of three quizzes on horror to keep you awake at night! Summon up, if you will, the protagonists in Psycho, Misery and Rosemary's Baby, remember the spine-chilling works of HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe, and then recall the joys of Hell House, The Exorcist, Koko, Mystery and The Throat!

1 .
In the 1959 Robert Bloch novel Psycho, how much does Mary Crane embezzle from her employer?
In Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 film version she's called Marion Crane
2 .
What is the title of Ramsey Campbell's 1973 collection of short stories?
Demons by Daylight
Fiends by Firelight
Ghouls by Gaslight
Monsters by Moonlight
Much of Campbell's work is heavily inspired by HP Lovecraft
3 .
Who wrote the 1971 novel Hell House?
Richard Masterson
Richard Matheson
Richard Morrison
Richard Mortensen
In 1973 it was filmed as The Legend of Hell House, starring Roddy McDowall
4 .
How are the Peter Straub novels Koko, Mystery and The Throat collectively known?
The Black Rose Trilogy
The Blue Rose Trilogy
The Red Rose Trilogy
The White Rose Trilogy
"Blue Rose" is the signature of a serial killer responsible for several murders. These murders are barely mentioned in Koko and Mystery but are central to the plot in The Throat
5 .
What awards have been presented annually by the Horror Writers Association since 1987?
The MR James Awards
The Edgar Allan Poe Awards
The Mary Shelley Awards
The Bram Stoker Awards
Stephen King's Misery won the inaugural Best Novel Award
6 .
What is Rosemary's surname in the 1967 Ira Levin novel Rosemary's Baby?
The book sold more than 4 million copies and was the bestselling horror novel of the 1960s
7 .
What is the name of the whaling ship that provides the setting for Edgar Allan Poe's novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket?
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket is the only finished novel Poe wrote. It tells the story of a stowaway who has to cope with shipwreck, mutiny and even cannibalism!
8 .
What were the first names of the American writer HP Lovecraft?
Harold Perkins
Henry Phipps
Homer Potts
Howard Phillips
Lovecraft was not successful during his lifetime and he died in poverty. However, since his death in 1937, he has become recognised as one of the most important writers in this genre
9 .
In William Peter Blatty's 1971 novel The Exorcist, Jesuit priest Lankester Merrin leads an archaeological dig in which country?
During the exorcism of a demon from a young girl Merrin dies, leaving an inexperienced priest to complete the ritual alone
10 .
What is the name of the protagonist in the Stephen King novel Misery?
Paul Sharman
Paul Sheldon
Paul Shilton
Paul Shipman
The character was played by James Caan in the 1990 film version


Author:  Tony Rennick

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