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Writing - Nursery Rhyme: The Cat and the Fiddle
'The little dog laughed.' How would you say this phrase if you were speaking Spanish?

Writing - Nursery Rhyme: The Cat and the Fiddle

In this Spanish Difficult Review quiz you will begin to cover some nursery rhymes as they are told in Spanish. And, this rhyme is probably one of the oldest known nursery rhymes. The first known reference to the rhyme of The Cat and the Fiddle dates back to 1569, although no author is ever given. It was changed slightly when it was printed in 1765 in the Mother Goose’s Melody when the word craft was changed to sport. This was probably done because of the frenzy in the world over witchcraft.

This rhyme is also sometimes known as Hey Diddle Diddle. Back when it first began, the name 'Cat and the Fiddle' was a common name of many inns.

1 .
El gato y el violín,
The cat and the fiddle,
The goat and the violin,
The lamb and the violin,
The gator and the fiddle,
The given sentence reads: The cat and the fiddle.
2 .
La vaca saltó sobre la luna.
The vulture danced on the moon.
The cow jumped over the moon.
The bull skipped on the moon.
The calf slipped to the moon.
The given sentence reads: The cow jumped over the moon.
3 .
¿Quién escribió esta rima?
A little English girl.
William Shakespeare
There is no known author given.
Mother Goose
The question being asked is: Who wrote the rhyme? There is no known author given for this rhyme.
4 .
Lo fue impresa en 1765 en ____.
Mother Goose's Melody
Mother Goose's Book of Nurseries
Cat and the Fiddle
Cat and the Violinist
The given sentence reads: It was printed in 1765 in ____. It was printed in 1765 in Mother Goose’s Melody.
5 .
El pequeño perro rió,
The little dog cried,
The little dog barked,
The little dog yelped,
The little dog laughed,
The given sentence reads: The little dog laughed.
6 .
Para ver tal deporte,
in order to deport,
to see such a sport,
in order for him to depart,
for seeing its tail,
The word para in Spanish means, as used in this phrase, in order. However, when translated to English it is an understood meaning so it does not actually get translated. In other words, para ver means in order to see but it would more correctly be translated into English as simply to see and the in order is understood. The given sentence reads: To see such a sport.
7 .
Otro nombre para esta rima es ____.
The Dish and the Spoon
The Little Laughing Dog
Hey Diddle Diddle
The Cow and the Moon
The given sentence reads: Another name for this rhyme is ____. Another name that this rhyme is known by is Hey Diddle Diddle.
8 .
Hay ____ líneas a esta rima.
The sentence reads: There are ____ lines to this rhyme. There are a total of six (6) lines to the rhyme.
9 .
La palabra nave cambió a ____.
The sentence reads: The word craft was changed to ____. The word craft was changed to sport probably due to the frenzy of witchcraft.
10 .
y el plato corrió lejos con la cuchara.
and the dish was carried off with the spoon.
and the plate left in a hurry with the spoon.
and the dish ran away with the spoon.
and the plate was left behind with the spoon.
The given sentence reads: and the dish ran away with the spoon.
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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