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Music - Over the Rainbow
'Somewhere over the rainbow'. How would you say that phrase if you were speaking Spanish?

Music - Over the Rainbow

Music, no matter what language it is in, it is just as beautiful and enjoyable to listeners and singers alike. Therefore, this Spanish Difficult Review quiz will take a look at music, specifically, the song of Over the Rainbow!

Now that you have a tremendous Spanish vocabulary bank of words tucked under your belt, it is time to start using that vocabulary in many different ways. In this series of Spanish Difficult Review mini-music quiz series, you will get your first introduction in learning some very familiar songs. One of the more familiar songs you will begin with is that of Over the Rainbow.

1 .
Somewhere over the rainbow…
En algún lugar sobre la capilla…
En algún lugar sobre el arco iris…
En algún lugar sobre la cartelera…
En algún lugar sobre la cocina…
The first answer reads: Somewhere over the chapel… The third answer reads: Somewhere over the billboard… The last answer reads: Somewhere over the kitchen… and the second answer reads: Somewhere over the rainbow…
2 .
Way up high…
camino delante…
muy, muy lejos…
por la calle…
Muy alto…
The first answer reads: way up ahead. The second answer reads: far, far away… The third answer reads: down the street, and the last answer reads: way up high…
3 .
There’s a land that I heard of…
Hay una tierra que viví de…
Hay una tierra que leí de…
Hay una tierra que oí de…
Hay una tierra que sonreí de…
The first answer reads: There’s a land that I lived for… The second answer reads: There’s a land that I read for… and the last answer reads: There’s a land that I smiled for… Neither is correct. However, the third answer reads: There’s a land that I heard of…
4 .
once in a lullaby…
una vez en un bosque…
una vez en una temporada…
una vez en una tarde…
una vez en una canción de cuna…
The first answer reads” once in a forest… The second answer reads: once in a season… and the third answer reads: once in an afternoon… Neither of these is correct. However, the last answer reads: once in a lullaby…
5 .
Skies are blue…
cielos son cuadrados…
cielos son hambrientos…
cielos son azules…
cielos son verdes…
The first answer reads: Skies are square… The second answer reads: Skies are hungry… and the last answer reads: Skies are green… Neither is correct. However, the third answer reads: Skies are blue…
6 .
And the dreams that you…
y los años que usted…
y los sueños que usted…
y los jugos que usted…
y los clavos que usted…
The first answer reads: and the years that you… The third answer reads: and the juices that you… and the last answer reads: and the nails that you… Neither of these is the correct translation. The second answer, on the other hand, reads: and the dreams that you…
7 .
I’ll wish upon a star…
Desearé sobre un filete…
Desearé sobre un baile…
Desearé sobre una duna…
Desearé sobre una estrella…
The first answer reads: I’ll wish upon a steak… The second answer reads: I’ll wish upon a dance… The third answer reads: I’ll wish upon a dune… These are not correct. The last answer reads: I’ll wish upon a star…
8 .
The clouds are far behind me…
las nubes están lejos detrás de mí
los lagos están lejos detrás de mí
los venados están lejos detrás de mí
las caridades están lejos detrás de mí
The second answer reads: the lakes are far behind me… The third answer reads: the deer are far behind me… The last answer reads: the charities are far behind me… Neither is correct. The first answer reads: the clouds are far behind me…
9 .
above the chimney tops…
encima de la encuesta cimas…
encima de los castillos cimas…
encima de las chimeneas cimas…
encima de las cacerolas cimas…
The first answer reads: above the poll tops… The second answer reads: above the castle tops… and the last answer reads: above the casserole tops… These are definitely not correct. The third answer reads: above the chimney tops…
10 .
That is where you’ll find me…
es donde me pagarán…
es donde me encontrará…
es donde me perderá…
es donde me borrará
The first answer reads: That is where they’ll pay me… The third answer reads: That is where you’ll lose me… and the last answer reads: That is where you’ll erase me… Neither is the correct translation. The second answer reads: That is where you’ll find me…
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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