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PSHE Quiz Illustration | Good and Bad Secrets
Surprise parties are good secrets.

Good and Bad Secrets - Age 5-7

Secrets can be good or bad and children need to learn the difference. One of the topics covered in KS1 PSHE lessons is the importance of not keeping adults’ secrets, unless those secrets are “good” ones. In this quiz, written specifically for children in years 1 and 2, we look at a selection of secrets and find out which ones are “good” and which are “bad”.

A secret is something only you, or you and a few other people, know. Some secrets are good – like when you are arranging a surprise party, or if you have bought somebody a present and don’t want them to know what it is.

Some secrets are not good though. When people try to hide things that are wrong, or things that could be dangerous. If you are ever asked to keep a “bad” secret then make sure you tell either your teacher or your parents.

1 .
Your grandmother gives you a box and asks you to hide it as it contains a present for your grandfather. Is this a good secret or a bad one?
That depends
We want to keep presents secret until it is time to give them so hiding one for your grandmother would be a good secret
2 .
You are playing with your friend when you see bruises on their body. They tell you that their dad hits them sometimes but ask you not to tell anyone. Is this a good secret or a bad one?
That depends
Nobody should hit us - even our parents. You might not want to break your friend’s trust but you should tell your teacher, parents or other responsible adult to help your friend
3 .
Your brother is scared to go to the dentist. Your mum is taking him but pretending that she is taking him to the swimming baths. She tells you not to tell him the truth. Is this a good secret or a bad one?
That depends
Sometimes it is not easy to tell whether a secret is good or bad. It is usually a bad thing to lie to people, but then your mother knows what is best for your brother. So the secret could be seen as good or bad
4 .
At break time an older boy hits you and warns you not to tell anybody or he will hit you again. Is this a good secret or a bad one?
That depends
This is bullying. If you are bullied you should tell an adult straight away so that they can make it stop
5 .
Your neighbour asks you to go into their house. You say no, and they say they will give you some sweets if you don’t tell anyone. Is this a good secret or a bad one?
That depends
If a neighbour asks you to go anywhere with them, and your parents don’t know about it, you should always say no. You should also tell your parents about what happened
6 .
Your teacher asks you to stay after class to decorate the room for a surprise activity after break. She asks you not to tell anybody. Is this a good secret or a bad one?
That depends
Surprises need to be kept secret so that they are not spoiled
7 .
If you were playing wrestling with an older child and they touched you in a private place, then told you not to tell anybody, would that be a good secret or a bad one?
That depends
Certain parts of your body – the ones beneath your underwear – are private. Nobody should touch you there. Tell your parents as soon as you can if this happens
8 .
Your friend tells you about something that happened to them long ago and asks you to keep it secret. Is this a good secret or a bad one?
That depends
It would depend on what the secret was. Sometimes it is hard to know whether you should tell people about a secret or not. If you are ever in any doubt then tell either your teacher or your parents
9 .
Your friend’s father says he will take you fishing, but only if you don’t tell anybody about it. Is this a good secret or a bad one?
That depends
Before you go anywhere with anyone you should check that it is alright with your parents first
10 .
A surprise party has been organised for your friend on his birthday. You have been told not to let them know. Is this a good secret or a bad one?
That depends
Surprise parties have to be kept secret, otherwise they will not be surprises anymore

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