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PSHE quiz illustration | Bullying and name-calling
Name-calling and isolation are both forms of bullying.

Bullying - Age 5-7

In this quiz, written for KS1 children in years 1 and 2, we take a look at bullying. In children of such a young age bullying can often be mistaken for something else. Or, conversely, when children fall out with one another (a sad part of childhood but one that is always with us) they may mistake this for bullying. This quiz will help them to recognise the difference.

So, what exactly does count as bulllying? Well, it comes in many forms. Violence is the most extreme example but name-calling, intimidation, and social isolation are more common. We'll look at some of them here, along with their consequences.

We will also advise you how to act if you encounter bullies. Whether they are bullying you, your friends or even if you yourself are the bully. Bullying is an incredibly serious issue. But calling somebody else a bully is serious too. This quiz will help to tackle both problems and help you deal with them as well.

1 .
What do you do if you think your friend is being bullied?
Ask them to tell a teacher or tell the teacher for them
Ask them to tell their older brother or sister who will then bully the bully
Find a new friend and stay away from them
Tell them to kick the bully
If your friend doesn't want to tell a teacher then you should - they will thank you when the whole thing is over.
2 .
If you're being bullied, whose fault is it?
The teacher's
The school's
The bully's
It's the bully's fault. They are to blame. They might make excuses up for why they are doing it but really, it's all on them! It'll be a problem they have with themselves that they are projecting onto you.
3 .
What do bullies look like?
They are normally a year older
They are always boys
They are always tall
They can be any size, height or age
Bullies don't always look mean or scary. They can be any height, any age and any size - the only way to spot them is by their mean character!
4 .
What is a bully?
Someone that was mean to you today and yesterday
Someone whose name begins with a 'B'
Someone that has been mean to you on more than a couple of occasions
Someone that refused to help you with your spellings
We all fall out but the difference between falling out and bullying is that someone is being mean to you a lot and over a long period of time. This could be more than a couple of days. Even if it is a one off, you can still tell a teacher and they will be able to help you but we wouldn't call it bullying. Bullying is very serious and happens more than a few times.
5 .
Every school (even yours) legally has to have what?
Rules to prevent and stop bicycles
Rules to prevent and stop bullying
Rules to prevent and stop singing
Rules to prevent and stop disco dancing
Every school in England has to have an anti-bullying policy. This means that part of a teacher's job is to make sure you aren't bullied and if you are - they have to help you.
6 .
Which of these is not bullying?
Alan kicks Harry every time he sees him
Every Monday, Hannah is third in the line and makes Jane stand at the back
Lara smiles at Tammy when she answers a question correctly
Sam brings a toy into school for Golden Time and every week he lets everyone except Peter play with it
Bullying comes in many forms but it has to be on more than one occasion. We all have 'off' days, days where we feel sad and maybe snap at someone or accidentally kick somebody - this is not bullying. Bullies do it all the time and to the same person. Make sure - if you think you are being bullied, a bully or know someone that's being bullied - that you tell a teacher.
7 .
Uh oh! I think I'm a bully. What do I do?
Bring cake into school
Talk to a teacher about this
Carry on bullying
Ask your friends to join in the bullying
If you think you've been mean to a person on more than a couple of occasions, talk to them and apologise. They will be happy to hear from you and forgive you. You can also talk to a teacher who will be very proud of your honesty and help you to put things right.
8 .
Bullying takes different forms; which of these is not a form of bullying?
Holding the door open for you
Calling you names
Leaving you out of games
Kicking you
Bullying can be non-physical like name calling, or physical like punching etc.
9 .
You think you're being bullied. What do you do?
Tell your teacher
Move schools
Bully them back
Avoid them
This is a problem that can't be ignored and so the best way to resolve it is by speaking to a teacher - any teacher in your school. They will then help you and the bully build a better relationship.
10 .
How does a bullied person feel?
If someone is mean to you, it hurts your feelings. If they do it lots of times then it can make you scared and worried and probably make you dread going to school.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What is bullying?

Author:  Finola Waller

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