Children in KS4 are drawing ever closer to starting their careers. To reflect that PSHE lessons for this age group include much material on that topic. In this quiz, written for students in years 10 and 11, we look at how our online presence can affect our careers both positively and negatively.
The internet has changed the world. Decades ago recruiters had only references and CVs to go on when deciding who to invite for an interview. That has all changed and now most will search for prospective candidates online. Because of that we need to think carefully about what we post on social media.
This is not necessarily a bad thing. You can use your online presence to put forward a good impression of yourself. This quiz will help.
Facebook / Twitter accounts are the most common social media. Linkedin is a more professional site commonly viewed by employers. Having your own website, as long as it looks professional, gives the best impression – especially for an IT position