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PSHE quiz illustration | Jobs
Whose job is more important - a surgeon or a nurse?

Jobs - Age 5-7

In this quiz, written for KS1 children in years 1 and 2, we take a look at jobs. More specifically, we look at why people have jobs - to earn money to pay for things. Not just luxuries, like holidays or nice clothes, but essentials such as housing and food.

The things we need cost money. Food, electricity, homes, water, cars, clothes… the list is almost endless. So, how do we get the money to pay for them? The answer is “by getting a job”.

Most of us need to work. Some jobs pay more than others and these are ones you need qualifications for. So the better you do in school, the better the job you will have when you leave.

Try this quiz to see what you know about jobs.

1 .
How much of their wage do most people spend on paying for the place they live?
About a twentieth
About a tenth
About a fifth
About a third
Our homes are the most expensive things we have to pay for so a large part of the money we earn goes on that
2 .
If you only have a small amount of money left after paying your bills each week, how can you pay for something that costs a lot of money?
By saving up your spare money each week
By robbing a bank
By buying lots of lottery tickets
By promising you’ll pay for it later
Robbing a bank is a crime and something you should never even consider.
If you win the lottery you can pay for things, but the chances of that happening are tiny, even if you do buy lots of tickets.
The best way to pay for things you can’t afford is to save up your spare money
3 .
The government takes some of our wages to pay for schools, hospitals and other services. What do we call this?
About a fifth of the money we earn goes to the government as income tax. This pays for all the public services, like the police, the army, hospitals and schools
4 .
How many years does the average person have to work for?
10-20 years
40-50 years
60-70 years
70-80 years
Most of us start work at 18, or 21 if we go to university. We then have to work until we retire, usually in our 60s
5 .
Which of these jobs earns the most money?
A cleaner
A doctor
A dustbin collector
A nurse
The more skill or knowledge required for a job, the more money it earns. Doctors have to know a lot of things. The more you learn, the more you earn
6 .
Which of these jobs is most important?
A surgeon
A nurse
A hospital cleaner
They are all as important as each other
Some jobs pay more than others but that doesn’t mean they are more important. Without nurses and hospital cleaners a surgeon would not be able to do their job at all
7 .
Which of these is something people WANT rather than NEED?
A home
A nice holiday
We all WANT nice things, but we don’t NEED them. Things we NEED are ones that keep us alive and comfortable. Things we WANT we can live without
8 .
What is the main reason people have jobs?
To pass the time so they don’t get bored
To help people
To make money to pay for things
To stay fit and active
To support ourselves (provide a home, food, clothes and other things) costs money. The main way that people can get money is by doing a job
9 .
What do we call jobs that we don’t get paid for?
Part-time jobs
Rubbish jobs
Voluntary jobs
Cheap jobs
Many people do voluntary jobs. These are usually for charities and they help people but don’t earn a wage.
A part-time job is one that you only work a few hours a week at, instead of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week
10 .
Which of these would make you the most money overall?
Going to university then getting a job
Going to college and then getting a job
Leaving school with qualifications and getting a job
Leaving school with no qualifications and getting a job
The more qualifications you have, the better paid the job you can get. Universities give the best qualifications so people who have been there get better paid jobs
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Jobs and contributing

Author:  Graeme Haw

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