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Lesser Known Religions 01
Rastafari is a religion centred on the African continent.

Lesser Known Religions 01

This KS3 RE quiz takes a look at lesser known religions. In a world of over 7.6 billion people - that is, 7,600,000,000 individuals - it is hardly surprising that there are a great number of religious systems of belief.

The religions with the greatest number of adherents are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism and traditional Chinese religions. A sizeable number of people in the world are atheists, or followers of no religion, too. There are also many religions to which we have not devoted an entire quiz, so this is a chance to learn a little about some of those religions which are less commonly known, at least in the UK. This quiz will test your knowledge on Jainism, Rastafarianism, paganism (also known as neo-paganism), as well as some less-familiar off-shoots of the main Christian traditions.

1 .
Which of these is true about Pagans?
Pagans worship the devil
Pagans practise black magic
Pagans practise animal sacrifice
Pagans have a reverence for nature
Modern paganism sometimes aims to recapture or recreate older pagan beliefs
2 .
What is the name of the African religion in which music and dance play a very important part?
Candomblé also has a number of adherents in Brazil
3 .
Taoism is about "The Tao" - what is the closest translation of this?
The way
The light
The afterlife
The cycle of life
Taoism originated in China
4 .
Shinto is the Japanese devotion to spirits or phenomena called what?
According to Shinto tradition there are eight million million kami in Japan
5 .
The followers of Jainism are strict vegetarians for what reason?
They believe meat corrupts the body
They believe meat corrupts the mind
They believe plants are all poisonous
They avoid all forms of violence
Jains believe that plants are living beings, but accept that survival depends on causing some harm to plants
6 .
Unitarians are happy to include people from which other group of religions?
All Christian based religions
All religions
Hindus and Buddhists
Muslims and Sikhs
The word "unite" means to connect or join together
7 .
Rastafarianism believes heaven is found on which continent?
South America
Rastafarianism associates Ethiopia with the idea of homecoming
8 .
Spiritualists believe that they can communicate with the spirits of people who have physically died by using a person with special skills known as a .....
A decagon is an object with 10 sides!
9 .
Which Christian-based religious movement believes that humanity is now in its last days?
Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that "The end" is very close
10 .
Mormons believe which one of these to be true?
God has a physical body
God is mortal and will die
Human beings cannot become like God
There is only one God
Mormonism is often referred to as "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"
Author:  Sheri Smith

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