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Christianity - The First Christmas
The baby Jesus' first visitors were the shepherds.

Christianity - The First Christmas

This KS3 RE quiz takes a look at the first Christmas in Christianity. The popular view of Christmas involves presents, turkey, sparkly lights and crackers. What do Christians celebrate on Christmas?

If you have ever seen a Nativity play, you will probably have seen the Angel Gabriel appear to Mary, telling her that she will give birth to God's son, who will be named Jesus; Joseph and Mary making their way to Bethlehem for the census, but finding there is no room in the inn and staying in a stable for the night; Mary laying the newborn Jesus in a manger; the angels singing to the shepherds, who then visit Jesus; and the Magi, or "wise men", following a star until they arrive at the stable, where they present the new king with precious and prophetic gifts.

1 .
John's father didn't believe Gabriel's message because .......
an angel had already spoken to him about John
Elizabeth and he already had many children
Elizabeth and he were childless and old
he did not think God would answer his prayers
So, according to the biblical account, Zechariah couldn't speak until he named John
2 .
Christ's name "Immanuel" was foretold by .......
"Immanuel" means "God with Us"
3 .
The first visitors told Mary and Joseph that .......
the angels had told them about the Saviour
the king was looking for the baby
they had come with the heavenly host
they had difficulty finding the stable
According to the biblical account: "And Mary kept all these things in her heart"
4 .
The King of Judea at the time of Jesus's birth was .......
Herod Agrippa
Herod Antipas
Herod the Great
There are many Herods to keep straight!
5 .
Matthew's Gospel focuses on .......
Elizabeth's story of Jesus's birth
John's story of Jesus's birth
Joseph's story of Jesus's birth
Mary's story of Jesus's birth
Luke's Gospel tells Mary's story
6 .
Jesus was born in .......
Micah foretold Bethlehem as the birthplace of the Messiah
7 .
Joseph knew that Mary's baby was God's son because .......
an angel told him in a dream
John the Baptist told him
Mary told him the news
Zechariah was no longer dumb
Later, angels warned Joseph of danger too
8 .
According to the biblical account, the baby Jesus's first visitors were .......
the innkeeper
the kings
the shepherds
the Wise Men
According to Luke, the angels announced Jesus's birth first to the shepherds
9 .
From Abraham to Jesus, Matthew lists .......
14 generations
24 generations
41 generations
42 generations
Luke's genealogy traces Jesus's line back through David to Adam
10 .
One of Jesus's ancestors was .......
Caesar Augustus
Herod the King
John the Baptist
King David
Joseph belonged to the royal line of David
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Christianity

Author:  Sheri Smith

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