Interactive Learning for KS3 Religious Education
Discover why quizzes are such an efficient way to learn and revise the KS3 subjects taught at secondary school. This teaching resource has a plethora of questions to help you revise and to reveal any gaps in your knowledge.
Subjects for R.E.
The 20 quizzes in this section have clickable links below. Each quiz contains 10 questions, answers and helpful hints for Key Stage 3 Religious Education. Quizzes have titles that describe the subject and they align with the KS3 National Curriculum for children aged 11 to 14 in Years 7, 8 and 9.
You don’t have to be religious to study Religious Education. In fact, it’s a fascinating topic whether you identify with a set of religious beliefs or not.
The world is diverse. It’s like a packet of bubblegum where no two pieces are the same. With over 7 billion people on our wonderful planet, it’s no wonder we differ in faith, culture and beliefs.
Learning about different religions is a great way to be mindful and courteous of other people. By learning about the various religions people follow, you can build on your previous RE knowledge and be even more respectful to others. Most of the quizzes have a link at the bottom to the relevant BBC Bitesize page for extra revision and understanding.
The content you’ll learn throughout Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 is certainly a step up but we think you’ll find it as captivating as ever.
So, what does Religious Education cover in KS3?
First we’ll take an in-depth look at Christianity. We’ll discover where Christians worship, as well as study the Bible, Christmas and Easter. You’ll learn what the Bible teaches about Jesus and the various symbols that appear in the Christian faith.
Once you’ve learnt all about Christianity, we’ll move onto Hinduism, Islam and Judaism. You’ll learn the key facts about the religions that appear on the National Curriculum. There will be an overview of symbols, special days and different religious laws to learn.
And what better way to learn all this core Curriculum stuff than using Education Quizzes? We provide an engaging way to get all that core stuff into your brain. And there’s no limit on how many times you can take each quiz! Think you can get even more questions right next time? Be our guest! You can have a whirl at our quizzes as many times as you like.
Let’s delve into the fascinating world of religion. We can teach you all about the different beliefs that make up some of the major religions in the world.
Diversity keeps life interesting. Let’s discover how different people live.
To understand KS3, read our thoroughly-researched KS3 Full Explanation blog.