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Musical Cycles 01
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Musical Cycles 01

In KS3 music you will look at musical cycles, but what exactly are they? Well, as a music student, you should know that we are not talking about tuneful bikes when we mention musical cycles!

Cycle means 'going around' or 'repeating' so it comes as no surprise that musical cycles often feature repeating melodies, rhythms, harmonies and chord progressions.

Musical cycles are an important part of music and so we've written two quizzes on the subject for you to try. This first quiz explores the fundamentals of cyclical music and its use by musicians across the globe, particularly in Ghana and India. Take your time and read each question carefully before choosing your answers. And don't forget the helpful comments - these can help to explain anything you are unsure of. Good luck!

1 .
A chord progression moving .......
around in circles repetitively is linear progression
by step with one or more voices is a cyclic pattern
by step with one or more voices is a linear progression
to a crescendo usually means the piece is about to end
Think of linear as a line - it only goes one way. A cycle goes round in a circle
2 .
Two or more rhythms sounding simultaneously is called .......
dual rhythmic
quad rhythmic
Remember 'poly' = many
3 .
A Tihai is a rhythmic formula that is repeated .......
Once. It is used at the beginning of Italian operas
Twice. It marks the end of sections in African music
Three times. It marks the end of sections in Indian music
Four times to bring out the endings of western concertos
A tihai, as well as ending a section of music, also creates a transition into the next section
4 .
A melorhythm is .......
the series of note-values of a melody/tune
a mellow toned rhythmic guitar backing
a musical passage with multiple rhythms played together
All of the above
Think of melorhythm as melody and rhythm - the two factors which make a tune
5 .
Mnemonic devices are used in music .......
as a memory aid, e.g. for notation or cyclic passages
as an alternative to playing harmonics on an instrument
to increase the sound of acoustic instruments
to increase the volume on an electric instrument
The word mnemonic comes from the Greek goddess of memory, Mnemosyne
6 .
A linear progression is a chord progression that .......
arises from step by step movements in one or more voices
features a crescendo hairpin to indicate volume increase
hasn't been used in music since the 5th century AD
is inaudible to the natural human ear
Linear progressions can be abbreviated as prg (eg 3-prg. = third progression). You might also see progressions abbreviated as Zg. from the German word Zug
7 .
Repeated harmonies, melodies and rhythms are .......
a feature of musical cycles
exclusively representative of early 16th century music
hardly used in any form of modern music
only found in Indian classical compositions
Memorise how cycles differ to linear progressions
8 .
Musical cycles often feature repeated .......
All of the above
Either, any or all of these may be repeated
9 .
What is a 'Rag' or 'Raga'?
A cleaning cloth used for instruments with silver keys
A predecessor to the rise of jazz in the 1920s
A type of horn which produces a 'raging' growl
An important melodic mode in Indian classical music
Often made of five notes from which a melody is formed
10 .
'Tala' roughly corresponds to what in western music?
Composer dedication
Composition and Composer titles on sheet music
Tala illustrates rhythmic patterns in Indian music
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Music

Author:  Thomas Daish

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