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Level 3-4 Data Handling - Collecting and Recording Data
In sampling a school of 1,000 pupils, who would you ask to answer your questionnaire?

Level 3-4 Data Handling - Collecting and Recording Data

Have you ever done any kind of scientific study? If so, you'll know that you need to gather data and interpret it. We call this data handling. Guess what? Data handling is a cool part of KS3 Maths! We've got four quizzes to make you a data-handling champ. This one guides you on collecting and recording data.

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1 .
When carrying out a survey to gather several pieces of information about a subject, you can design a .......
A questionnaire is a set of questions made specifically to gather data
2 .
To be useful, a questionnaire should be given to a suitable number of people, called the .......
Choosing the size of your sample is an important part of the survey preparation
3 .
Which question would not be asked in a questionnaire about how secondary schoolchildren travel to school?
Do you use public transport? Y or N
How far do you have to travel to school?
Is it sensible to wear a bike helmet?
How do you travel to school - car, bus, walk or cycle?
Questions should be relevant and easy to understand as well as easy to answer
4 .
Age is often a useful data item for any survey. Which of these questions would be the best to use in the school travel questionnaire?
What is your date of birth?
Tick your age group: 0-10, 11-16, 17-21, over 21
Where were you born?
Circle your Year Group: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Date of birth would give you the same information but you'd have to work out the ages. Year groups are a much easier piece of data to use
5 .
The numbers for each type of transport are recorded on a tally chart. Tally strokes are written in groups of .......
Five bar gates make the tally marks much easier to count
6 .
When the tally strokes are counted, the totals for each category are recorded in a column headed .......
It's a good idea to get used to using this word
7 .
Which of these questions would be most useful in the school transport survey?
Do you have a driving licence?
Are you a boy or a girl?
How tall are you?
Can you ride a horse?
Keep questions relevant. It could be useful to compare boys' and girls' travel arrangements
8 .
In sampling a school of 1,000 pupils, who would you ask to answer your questionnaire?
Year 10 pupils
20 pupils from each Year Group
The first 100 people entering the school gate
All pupils
The larger the sample, the better the data. However, 20% is a good proportion of pupils - and much less work!
9 .
50% of pupils are girls. In a sample of 10% of pupils, how many girls will you ask to fill in the questionnaire?
10% of 1,000 = 100 and half of them should be girls
10 .
What word is used to describe the most common answer to a question in a survey?
MOst common = MOde
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Collecting and recording data

Author:  Frank Evans

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