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Processing Text and Images 03
Typical editing tasks of photos include correcting the colours.

Processing Text and Images 03

Expand your knowledge of processing text and images in this KS3 ICT quiz. Images can enhance a document and give it much more of a visual impact. They can be anything from a simple pencil sketch to a full colour photograph. Before they can be added to a document produced on a computer, an image on paper or other physical medium needs to be digitised. This can be done using a scanner or digital camera. The digital image can be saved onto a computer hard drive or other storage device and then loaded into whatever documents you want.

In the days before digital cameras were able to produce good quality images, photographs were produced by developing and printing films. It took a while for films to be processed and many people ended up being disappointed with their photos as they were not perfectly focused or did not have the correct exposure.

1 .
Which cannot be used as a source of digital images?
Clip art library
Digital camera
An mp3 library
mp3 libraries store digital music files
2 .
Digital photographs are usually stored as what?
JPEG is the same as JPG and it stands for the organisation that devised this file type, the Joint Photographic Experts Group. It is a much more efficient method of storing photographic images than other file formats
3 .
Clip-art is a term generally applied to .......
cartoon drawings
electronic illustrations which are copyright free
photographs which can be imported into documents
ready-made computerised graphic art
Clip-art is often charged for and covered by copyright so you should really check with the owner before using clip art for your own work
4 .
Imported images can be the wrong size and need .......
There are different ways of resizing an image, dragging the resizing handles is one of them but you have to be very careful otherwise you will distort it
5 .
Image editing program special effects are often called .......
There are filters to improve an image, like make it sharper or change its colour, brightness, contrast etc. There are all sorts of unusual and creative effects too, but use them carefully or you could end up with an image that only you like!
6 .
Colour images can be converted into 'greyscale'. Which of the following statements about greyscale is true?
Greyscale images contain only shades of grey - no black/white
It means colours are converted into shades of grey
It means colours are removed before printing
It means the images will be of poorer quality
Greyscale images sometimes have more visual drama
7 .
Typical editing tasks of photos do not include .......
correcting the colours
improving the image contrast
increasing the image resolution
making the image brighter
Editors cannot increase image resolution. Trying to take a small (thumbnail) image and turn it into a large image that is detailed just isn't possible
8 .
Digital images on the internet .......
are always copyright free
are free to use so long as you acknowledge the source
are sometimes protected and require permission to use
can be used however you want in any document you create
Using copyright protected images without permission is theft! When selecting digital images to use, look for ones that are in the public domain. This means that the owner is quite happy for anyone to use their image without having to pay for it or steal it
9 .
Before saving an image file you should make sure you .......
close the original image
delete the original image
have enough space to store it
select a suitable file type
It needs to be appropriate for the image and be compatible with the software you intend to import it into. Saving an image in an inappropriate format can result in a loss of detail or a huge file size
10 .
Images imported into documents often need cropping. What is meant by cropping?
Cropping joins two images into one single image
It removes part of the image around the edges
It removes part of the image from the middle
This makes the image bigger
Cropping can help to focus attention on a single area
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Presenting information on computers

Author:  Duncan Daish

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