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Processing Text and Images 02
A spell checker finds words in a document which aren't in its dictionary.

Processing Text and Images 02

This KS3 ICT quiz takes a further look at processing text and images. A word processor is a computer application used for the production (including composition, editing, formatting, and possibly printing) of any sort of printable material. We have said 'possibly printing' because usually, desktop publishing (DTP) software will be used to lay out the pages, to include both text and images. Some people attempt to use word processing software to layout the whole publication. This can be done but is much more difficult and less reliable than using a DTP program.

When using a word processor, you can use the built-in spell checker and grammar checker. It is much better to learn grammar and how to spell properly if you can. The aim of proofreading is to check through your work after you think you have finished. You can then spot any spelling mistakes and errors of grammar and put them right. Relying completely on your computer program for proofreading is not a good choice. It might not find missing words, it won't spot correctly spelt words like their and there used in the wrong context, and some of the words you use may not be in the dictionary it uses.

1 .
The formatting toolbar has a button to 'justify' text.
Any unnecessary spaces between words are removed
It lines all the highlighted text along the left margin
The highlighted text is spaced out to fill whole lines
This checks the highlighted text for grammatical errors
Text can also be left justified, right justified or centre justified
2 .
Highlighted text can be moved using 'drag and .......'
There are usually several different ways of doing things in software, you should try as many of the alternatives as you can and decide which suits you best
3 .
This question has been aligned using which button?
Centre aligned
Left aligned
Right aligned
None of them
English text that is left aligned is easier to read than the other types of justification
4 .
A ....... holds information printed at the top of every page.
Commonly contains date and title, but it can contain any information that you want to be on every page
5 .
A ....... holds information printed at the bottom of pages.
bullet point
The page number option in the footer (or the header) will automatically insert the appropriate page number for every new page that you add
6 .
Which formatting toolbar button emboldens text?
The button marked with an A
The button marked with a B
The button marked with an I
The button marked with a U
B for bold
7 .
A problem with using an English spellchecker is .......
British and American English spellings are often different
the dictionary doesn't contain all possible English words
the spellchecker has to be set for the right country
All of the above
There are spell checker dictionaries for British English, American English, Australian English etc
8 .
Text can be moved using highlighting and .......
copy and paste
cut and paste
delete and paste
format and paste
You need to be careful with the spaces as you could end up with a double spacing or no spacing at all where you have moved the text from (and where you have pasted it in)
9 .
Which of these will not give text more visual impact?
Underlining the text
Using a larger font size
Using a smaller font size
Using coloured text instead of black
Smaller text is harder to read
10 .
A spell checker .......
corrects any spelling mistakes
ensures the document contains no errors
finds only words in a document which are misspelt
finds words in a document which aren't in its dictionary
A word may be correct but not in the dictionary!
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Presenting information on computers

Author:  Duncan Daish

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