Take a look at our third and final KS3 ICT quiz on models. Many businesses use spreadsheets to record their income, expenses and profits. Spreadsheets can also be used to help them carry out what if investigations. A florist could see what effect an increase in prices of certain items would have on their profit or a bike repair shop could see how increasing the hourly rate would affect the daily takings. The spreadsheet can also be used to display the information as a graph or other chart which could be used when showing a bank manager how a loan might benefit their company.
Spreadsheets can be formatted in many ways. This can make them easier to use. Columns and rows can have a label entered in the first cell to describe what information it contains. The width of a column can be altered, so can the height of the columns. Cells can be given a coloured background, a border and even merged together to form a large block. Text can be justified left, right or centre, underlined, emboldened and different fonts can be used.