As a KS3 ICT student, you will know that before you can process data you need to get the data into the computer. There are various devices for this purpose. Input devices are examples of hardware e.g. scanners and microphones. Some input devices like a keyboard or touch screen are manual but others, such as sensors, are automatic. A keyboard in some form is a common input device since most data that needs to be entered are letters, symbols and numbers. Anyone who has used a desktop computer will also be familiar with the mouse.
Early mice for computers looked very different to how they do today. They were not designed with ergonomics (ease and comfort of use) in mind. The mouse only really became common in the mid 1980s and may become out of date, replaced by touchscreens. The development of the mouse made using a computer easier, instead of needing to use a joystick or keys on the keyboard, just moving the mouse around and clicking had the same effect. Drawing images on a computer has been made a lot easier with the development of a graphics pad (tablet). This uses a stylus which is just like an artist using a pen, pencil or brush on paper.