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The First World War 03
Trench warfare was the main method of fighting throughout the war.

The First World War 03

This KS3 History quiz asks questions about the First World War. On the Western Front, the First World War was fought from trenches. These trenches stretched from the English Channel right the way across France to Switzerland. That was a distance of 400 miles. Conditions in the trenches was not pleasant for the soldiers. They were often cold and wet, moving around in mud, pestered by rats and fighting disease as well as the enemy. In some places, the trenches were a few tens of metres apart and it was possible to hear the enemy talking and smell what they were cooking!

Legend has it that on Christmas Day 1914 British and German soldiers left their trenches for a friendly game of football - a truce that was very short-lived. No-one can be sure that match ever took place but there were several sections of the Front where the fighting stopped for a few hours and the two opposing sides sang Christmas carols. In other places, the fighting continued. During the rest of the war, the British Generals prohibited their soldiers from showing any friendliness towards the Germans. The Pope had already suggested there should be a Christmas truce but that was officially rejected by military commanders.

1 .
Which river near Paris saw a battle of September 1914?
The Germans were forced to retreat by this counter-attack by the British and French troops
2 .
Ypres was the site of how many battles?
Ypres is a Belgian town near the French border. The third battle is also referred to as Passchendaele
3 .
There was stalemate at which battle of late 1914?
There were several big battles in and around Ypres and not many buildings were still standing by the end of the war
4 .
What was not a feature of the trenches?
Barbed wire defences
Deep, heavy mud
Rats and disease
Warm dry dormitories
An infection called trench foot could result in amputation
5 .
What weapon was used for the first time at the 2nd Battle of Ypres?
Machine guns
Poison gas
Used first by the Germans but others retaliated with it
6 .
The letters BEF stood for what?
Branch of the Elite Forces
Bravest Elite Fighters
Brigade of Experienced Footsoldiers
British Expeditionary Force
They were the first British troops at the front line and were professional soldiers
7 .
Land between opposing trenches was known as.....?
Death valley
No man's land
The pit of peril
The wasteland
When they attacked each other, the soldiers had to leave the relative safety of their trenches to try to cross no man's land
8 .
What was the first major battle of the war for the British troops?
The Somme
In Belgium - it slowed down the German advance
9 .
What was the main method of fighting throughout the war?
Airborne warfare
Cavalry raids
Nuclear warfare
Trench warfare
Trenches were dug from Belgium to Switzerland
10 .
What did it mean to 'go over the top'?
Climb hills for lookout points
Ignore an officer's orders
Leave the trenches to attack the enemy
Use madness as an excuse to be sent home
A lot of soldiers were instantly cut down by enemy gunfire as they climbed out of the trenches
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - World War One

Author:  Jan Crompton

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