Try this KS3 Geography quiz all about population. The population of some countries, such as Nigeria and China, is not even known to the nearest million! This means that the population of the world is never known with absolute accuracy. In some parts of the world, the population density is very high, for example in a megacity. In rural parts of the world, such as the outback of Australia and Antarctica, population density is very low. This is often because it is very difficult to live there permanently as climatic conditions are very harsh.
In general, LEDCs show a much higher population growth rate than MEDCs. There are many reasons for this - better healthcare means that infant mortality is lower and life expectancy is improved. People in LEDCs are having the same numbers of babies as before, but fewer are dying and therefore the population is increasing rapidly. Rapid increases in populations are called population explosions. The economy of LEDCs is mainly agriculture, but with less land per person, migration to urban areas or even other countries occurs.