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Population 02
China had a 'one child only' policy in order to help population control.

Population 02

Try this KS3 Geography quiz all about population. The population of some countries, such as Nigeria and China, is not even known to the nearest million! This means that the population of the world is never known with absolute accuracy. In some parts of the world, the population density is very high, for example in a megacity. In rural parts of the world, such as the outback of Australia and Antarctica, population density is very low. This is often because it is very difficult to live there permanently as climatic conditions are very harsh.

In general, LEDCs show a much higher population growth rate than MEDCs. There are many reasons for this - better healthcare means that infant mortality is lower and life expectancy is improved. People in LEDCs are having the same numbers of babies as before, but fewer are dying and therefore the population is increasing rapidly. Rapid increases in populations are called population explosions. The economy of LEDCs is mainly agriculture, but with less land per person, migration to urban areas or even other countries occurs.

1 .
What word describes a low population density?
Greenland is an example of a sparsely populated place
2 .
What does immigration mean?
Moving from city to countryside
Moving within a country
Permanently entering a new country
Visiting for a long holiday
Many factors influence immigration, for example better wages
3 .
What term means the average age people will live to?
Life estimate
Life expectancy
Life guess
Life prediction
In some LEDCs life expectancy can be less than 30!
4 .
Which of these is classed as an LEDC?
A Less Economically Developed Country
5 .
A 'one child only' policy helped population control in which country?
Chinese parents were fined if they had more than one child!
6 .
Which 'transition model' shows changes in population size over time?
Demographics is the statistical description of human populations. It can include things like income and political preferences etc
7 .
Population density is the number of people per what?
Square centimetre
Square decametre
Square kilometre
Square metre
The UK's is about 240 people per square kilometre
8 .
What is meant by population distribution?
How spread out a population is
If there are enough houses
The number of people in an area
The ratio of people to jobs
Population densities are higher in urban areas than in rural areas
9 .
The number of children who die very young is the infant what?
Moratorium rate
Morbidity rate
Mortality rate
Mortuary rate
LEDCs have a high infant mortality rate but that has been reduced since the middle of the twentieth century by international aid agencies providing better healthcare to rural communities
10 .
A very rapid increase is a population what?
This can happen when factors such as better healthcare reduce death rates
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Population and migration

Author:  Jan Crompton

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