This KS3 quiz will test you on geography skills. Geography is the subject that deals with the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants and phenomena. A literal translation would be 'to describe or write about the Earth'. The word geography comes from the Greek language - geo meaning Earth and graphia meaning description. When studying geography, a good working knowledge of maps is essential. But that's not all - charts, tables and diagrams are also important because geography involves a lot of statistics.
Many maps have a grid system of lines. These show the latitude and longitude and can be used to be very specific about the location of a geographical feature. There are plenty of other different kinds of map. Some, like the Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain, can be used for navigation. A choropleth map would not be used for navigation, it is designed to show how something varies across a region e.g. population density or income per capita. Areas are shaded in proportion to the measurement of the data being shown.