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Geography Skills 01
Latitude lines on an atlas map run from east to west.

Geography Skills 01

This KS3 quiz will test you on geography skills. Geography is the subject that deals with the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants and phenomena. A literal translation would be 'to describe or write about the Earth'. The word geography comes from the Greek language - geo meaning Earth and graphia meaning description. When studying geography, a good working knowledge of maps is essential. But that's not all - charts, tables and diagrams are also important because geography involves a lot of statistics.

Many maps have a grid system of lines. These show the latitude and longitude and can be used to be very specific about the location of a geographical feature. There are plenty of other different kinds of map. Some, like the Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain, can be used for navigation. A choropleth map would not be used for navigation, it is designed to show how something varies across a region e.g. population density or income per capita. Areas are shaded in proportion to the measurement of the data being shown.

1 .
A map often includes an arrow pointing where?
On O.S. maps, north is at the top
2 .
Which graph would not be used to show data that adds up to 100%?
Block graph
Divided bar graph
Pie graph
Vertical bar graph
It is important to choose the correct type of graph otherwise the data will not be displayed correctly
3 .
Which graph is best for showing continuous data?
Line graph
Pie graph
Vertical bar graph
Continuous data has no clear-cut breaks between the values e.g. temperature figures
4 .
Which of these sets of ranges is best for a choropleth map key?
0-2, 3-8, 9-17
0-3, 3-10, 10-11
0-4, 5-9, 10-14
0-5, 5-10, 10-15
Ranges of equal size that do not overlap
5 .
To give a 6 figure grid reference we imagine the map square is divided into what fraction?
With experience, a 6 figure grid reference can pinpoint something to within a few metres of its actual position
6 .
On an O.S. map, contour lines are what colour?
They show the height above mean sea level
7 .
What sort of map uses colour shading?
Choropleth map
Dot map
Proportional symbol map
Useful for showing data for different areas
8 .
A line on a scatter graph showing the general relationship is called what?
Line of best fit
Line of least resistance
Trend marker
Z axis
It does not have to go through all points on the graph
9 .
What does 'O.S.' stand for in O.S. maps?
Ordinary Scale
Ordnance Survey
Outdoor Scan
Over Sized
It's a Government department providing maps of Britain
10 .
A line from east-west on an atlas map is a line of what?
The British Isles cover approximately 10 degrees of latitude
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Geographical skills

Author:  Jan Crompton

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