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Development 01
The United Nations created the Human Development Index in order to measure development.

Development 01

You will learn in your KS3 Geography lessons that economic development is the increase in the standard of living in a nation's population. It comes when a country gradually changes from a simple, low-income economy to a modern, high-income industrialised economy. In countries classified as less economically developed (LEDCs), the main industry is farming. Often, the farmers are subsistence farmers. That means they grow crops to feed their own families and don't have much left over to sell. They are amongst the poorest people in the world. Sometimes, their land is taken over and they are forced to go to the nearest city to try to find work.

The Human Development Index (HDI) was developed in 1990 by the United Nations organisation. Up to then, development was focussed on the economy of a nation. It was hoped that the HDI would change that focus to being more about people instead of just money. It takes into account the life expectancy, how much education people receive compared to the amount they should receive and also their standard of living. As a country's industry is developed, the government can spend more on the things that change the HDI, improving people's lives.

1 .
Which former NIC is now an MEDC?
New Zealand
Usually, an NIC will progress to being classed as an MEDC
2 .
Poor countries developing quickly are called NICs, meaning what?
Nationally Integrated Countries
Newly Improving Countries
Newly Industrialised Countries
No Illiterate Children
South Korea in Asia is a good example of an NIC
3 .
Of these statements, which one is false?
1 in 5 of the world's population live in the 'rich north'
70% of the world's population can read
About 100 million people are homeless
About 900 million people have no education
Only approx. 30% of the world's population can read
4 .
Which indicator is not used to measure HDI?
Education Index
Imports and exports
Income per person
Life expectancy
The education index is a way of comparing how much schooling the average person receives compared to how much they could have received
5 .
Used to measure development, what is the HDI?
Health and Development Initiative
High Dependency Indicator
Human Death Index
Human Development Index
The HDI of a country can change from year to year
6 .
Put simply, development is countries becoming what?
More peaceful
More populated
The richer countries are referred to as being more economically developed (MEDCs)
7 .
The percentage of adults who can read and write is called what?
Illiteracy rate
Legitimacy rate
Literacy rate
Paper rate
In the poorest LEDCs, literacy rates are extremely low. In the UK, where everyone has good accessibility to schools, the literacy rate is over 99% but even that does not place us in the top 10 most literate countries in the world. In Chad, in central Africa, fewer than 1 in 4 people can read and write
8 .
Which term means how well a person can live?
Fact of life
Life expectation
Living values
Quality of life
It includes things like access to health services and education
9 .
Poor farmers who just grow enough to eat are called what ?
Subnormal farmers
Subordinate farmers
Subsistence farmers
Sustenance farmers
They have little or no surplus to sell
10 .
Which organisation's Development Programme created the HDI in 1990?
Christian Aid
Save The Children Fund
United Nations
The HDI of the UK is usually ranked in the top 20 in the world
Author:  Jan Crompton

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