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Ils vont trouver - They are going to find.

Verbs in the Near Future Tense

What do ‘je vais acheter’, and ‘nous allons vouloir’ mean? How would you say, ‘they are going to know’ or ‘he is going to make’?

In Year 7, 8 or 9 and studying French? This rapid revision quiz was written for you.

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In each question you will be given a word or words in English. All you have to do is choose the French equivalent from the four choices offered.
1 .
You're going to watch (informal)
Tu regardes
Vous allez regarder
Tu vas regarder
Vous regardez
Tu regardes = you watch (informal)
Vous allez regarder = You are going to watch (formal)
Vous regardez = You watch (formal)
2 .
He is going to make
Il fait
Il va dire
Il dit
Il va faire
Il fait = he makes
Il va dire = he is going to say
Il dit = he says
3 .
I'm going to wear
Je porte
Je vais porter
Je vais parler
Je parle
Je porte = I wear
Je vais parler = I'm going to speak
Je parle = I speak
4 .
They are going to find (feminine)
Elle va trouver
Elles vont trouver
Elles trouvent
Elle trouve
Elle va trouver = she is going to find
Elles trouvent = they find (feminine)
Elle trouve = she finds
5 .
We are going to ask
Nous demandons
Nous allons donner
Nous allons demander
Nous donnons
Nous demandons = we ask
Nous allons donner = we are going to give
Nous donnons = we give
6 .
We are going to want
Nous allons vouloir
Nous voulons
Nous allons venir
Nous venons
Nous voulons = we want
Nous allons venir = we are going to come
Nous venons = we come
7 .
You are going to put (informal)
Tu mets
Tu vas montrer
Tu vas mettre
Tu montres
Tu mets = you put
Tu vas montrer = you are going to show
Tu montres = you show
8 .
I'm going to buy
Je vais acheter
Je vais aller
Je vais
J'achète = I buy
Je vais aller = I am going to go
Je vais = I'm going
9 .
They are going to know (masculine)
Ils savent
Il va savoir
Il sait
Ils vont savoir
Ils savent = they know
Il va savoir = he is going to know
Il sait = he knows
10 .
You are going to stay (plural / formal)
Vous allez rester
Vous restez
Vous allez penser
Vous pensez
Vous restez = you stay
Vous allez penser = you are going to think
Vous pensez = you think
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - French

Author:  Graeme Haw

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