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Words Used in Geography 01
The place where rivers meet is called a "confluence".

Words Used in Geography 01

Glacier and erosion are examples of words used in geography. Have you ever noticed that certain words are used mainly when discussing or writing about certain subjects? Every field of knowledge has its own vocabulary. Sometimes you'll find that a particular word is used in a specialised way which differs from the ordinary way people use that word. Sometimes words migrate from a specialised vocabulary to general usage. When we say that someone's thoughts or speech are meandering, we do not mean it in exactly the same way that a geographer might discuss a river's meander.

How many words relevant to geography do you know? This quiz tests your knowledge of rivers, measuring equipment, geographical features, topographical change and ways of describing global position. But there is much more to know, of course, so if you are interested in geography, try building your vocabulary in order to discuss the subject in greater detail.

Try this quiz to test yourself on geographical vocabulary.

1 .
What does the following word mean?
Beginning of a river
End of a river
Meeting of rivers
Stream flowing into a main river
"Confluence" means "meeting"
2 .
What does the following word mean?
Where the river ends
Where the river joins a smaller river
Where the river meets the sea
Where the river rises
The "source" is the beginning of river. The "mouth" is its end
3 .
What does the following word mean?
A pressure gauge
A rain gauge
A temperature gauge
A wind gauge
A barometer measures air pressure
4 .
What does the following word mean?
At the equator
Equal to
Far from the equator
Not equal to
"Tropical" means at the tropics of Capricorn or Cancer
5 .
What does the following word mean?
A meandering river
A river bed
A river of ice
A rushing river
Glaciers move!
6 .
What does the following word mean?
Long, narrow sea inlet
Shallow crossing place of river
Site of river bridge
Wide sea inlet
A "ford", on the other hand, is a shallow crossing place
7 .
What does the following word mean?
Where a river wears land away
Where land wears a river away
Where words are deleted
Where writing is deleted
Types of erosion include: corrasion, abrasion, attrition, corrosion
8 .
What does the following word mean?
Deposits of waterborne rocks
Diversions of river courses
Main river branching off small river
Small river branching off main river
"Distributary" is related to "distribute"
9 .
What does the following word mean?
Triangular deposits and channels at river mouth
Triangular deposits and channels at river source
Where the river begins and ends
Where the river rises and flows
As a river nears the sea, it branches out, creating a delta
10 .
What does the following word mean?
Permanent rocks at base of slope
Pile of loose stones at base of slope
Pile of stones on top of cliff
Rocks on top of cliff
It's difficult to walk on scree


Author:  Sue Daish

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