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Words Used in Connection with Literature 01
The leading character in a play is known as the protagonist.

Words Used in Connection with Literature 01

Words used in connection with literature are those used in books and plays, to name two examples. Like all other subjects, literary studies (i.e. English literature, in school) has a special vocabulary which enables people to discuss its various aspects.

You will already know many of the words, because they are the topics of the quizzes in this section. In order to discuss poetry, you might need to use words such as metre, rhyme, stanza, caesura and couplets. To discuss language in poetry and fiction, you will need to know words like metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia and personification. Drama requires knowledge of such words as dialogue, aside, soliloquy, stage directions and character.

These lists are not exhaustive, by any means, but are some of the basics you need to know when talking or writing about literature. Try this quiz to test your knowledge of literary vocabulary.

1 .
Choose the correct definition for the following term.
The creation of a character in a tale
The creation of a mood or feeling in a tale
The scenery of the sky in a play
The scenery used in a round theatre
Atmosphere can be chilling, tense, relaxed, happy, sad, etc.
2 .
Choose the correct definition for the following term.
Breathing space before each line
Continuing sense from one line to the next
Stopping at the end of each line for a breath
Stopping sense at the end of each line
Poets use enjambement to let an idea flow on from one line to the next, allowing for emphasis on particular words
3 .
Choose the correct definition for the following term.
First person narrative.
Narrator using "he" as viewpoint to tell a tale
Narrator using "I" as viewpoint to tell a tale
Narrator using "it" as viewpoint to tell a tale
Narrator using "you" as viewpoint to tell a tale
A first person narrative, "I am .......", involves the reader
4 .
Choose the correct definition for the following term.
Leading character
Minor character
The chorus
The protagonist is the main character
5 .
Choose the correct definition for the following term.
The characters of the tale
The language of the tale
The painted scenery used on stage
Where the tale takes place
Painted scenery is known as a stage "set"
6 .
Choose the correct definition for the following term.
Third person narrative.
Narrator using "he", "she" or "it" as viewpoint
Narrator using "I" as viewpoint
Narrator using "they" as viewpoint
Narrator using "you" as viewpoint
Here is an example of third person narrative: "He was ten years old when ......."
7 .
Choose the correct definition for the following term.
Words of opposite meaning used for effect
Words of similar meaning used for effect
Words repeated for emphasis
Words repeated for similar sound effect
"Living death", for example, is an oxymoron
8 .
Choose the correct definition for the following term.
Imaginary words and phrases
Imagined words and phrases
Words making pictures in your mind
Words making pictures on your page
An image is in this sense a picture painted with words
9 .
Choose the correct definition for the following term.
A particular viewpoint
Ideas or groups of ideas in poetry
The position of actors on stage
Verses or groups of lines in poetry
Poems might have regular stanzas of four, six or eight lines. Or they might have irregular stanzas
10 .
Choose the correct definition for the following term.
A measured beat
Random sounds
Two words which end with dissimilar sounds
Two words which end with similar sounds
Listen for rhythm in music, poetry and words


Author:  Sue Daish

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