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Suffixes 02
Suffixes often change the function of a word. Adding "ers" changes "garden" to "gardeners".

Suffixes 02

Suffixes usually change the function of a word within a sentence. For example, the word "appear" is a verb but "appearance" is a noun. You will come across plenty of suffixes in your English lessons.

This quiz requires you to recognise which words are able to take which suffixes. Although the English language is very adaptable, not all words can have the same suffixes added. Whereas it is possible to create adjectives by adding -able to verbs (for instance, "adaptable", "reachable", "drinkable", "distinguishable", etc.), this does not work with all verbs. "Meltable" would be useful, but is, alas, not a real word.

Interestingly, the addition of the suffix -ly to adjectives in order to create adverbs such as "readily", "prettily" and "smartly" seems to work in most cases. Can you think of any adjectives which can't have -ly added? Colours don't work: "redly", "bluely" and "yellowly" aren't real words. Have fun with language by trying out some transformations with suffixes.

Take this quiz for more practice with suffixes.

1 .
Choose the correct suffix for the following word.
"Kindness" is a noun, whereas "kind" can be a noun or adjective
2 .
Choose the correct suffix for the following word.
"Gardener" remains a noun like its base word, "garden"
3 .
Choose the correct suffix for the following word.
"Occurrence" is a noun but "occur" is a verb
4 .
Choose the correct suffix for the following word.
"Reflector" is one of those words which takes an -or suffix, rather than the more typical -er
5 .
Choose the correct suffix for the following word.
New words are created in English all the time. Can you imagine what "wonderage" or "wondership" might mean if they became real words?
6 .
Choose the correct suffix for the following word.
"Kingdom" remains a noun like its base word, "king"
7 .
Choose the correct suffix for the following word.
It is also possible to add -able to the base word, "depend", to get "dependable"
8 .
Choose the correct suffix for the following word.
"Doubtful" can be thought of as "full of doubt"
9 .
Choose the correct suffix for the following word.
"Grateful" is an adjective; adding a second suffix creates the adverb, "gratefully"
10 .
Choose the correct suffix for the following word.
"Blameless" means "without blame", i.e. "undeserving of blame"
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - How to use suffixes in your writing

Author:  Sue Daish

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