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Pronouns 01
In the sentence 'The motorcyclist did not win the race but he provided us with the fastest individual lap' the word 'he' is the pronoun.

Pronouns 01

Pronouns take the place of a noun. "I", "he" and "we" are examples of personal pronouns. It's a good idea to use them to avoid repetition in your English writing.

Sometimes when you are writing and are caught up in the flow, just getting your words down, you might end up with a sentence such as this: "Sofia lifted her foot gingerly from the pavement. Sofia's shoe pulled a huge lump of chewing gum up from the pavement with the shoe, and Sofia watched as the gum stretched out to a remarkable length, tenaciously clinging both to the sole of Sofia's shoe and to the dirty pavement." Too much repetition of the name Sofia, and the word "shoe", becomes distracting here. Instead it would be better to replace "Sofia" with the pronouns "she" and "her" and "shoe" with "it" and "its". Then we would have the improved sentence: "Sofia lifted her foot gingerly from the pavement. Her shoe pulled a huge lump of chewing gum up from the pavement with it, and she watched as the gum stretched out to a remarkable length, tenaciously clinging both to her sole and to the dirty pavement." That's a bit better, isn't it?

Play this first quiz on pronouns and if you get full marks, see if you can match your score in our second quiz!

1 .
See if you can find the pronoun(s) in the following sentence.
The torrential rain made him wet; he shivered with cold.
him, he
made, shivered
rain, cold
torrential, wet
"Him" and "he" are the personal pronouns used here
2 .
See if you can find the pronoun(s) in the following sentence.
They were camping and came to us for shelter.
and, for
camping, shelter
They, us
were, came
Using "they" means that you do not need to list all of the names
3 .
See if you can find the pronoun(s) in the following sentence.
The cousins came to tea with us; we played cricket too.
came, played
cousins, tea
tea, cricket
us, we
"Us" and "we" are both personal pronouns
4 .
See if you can find the pronoun(s) in the following sentence.
The rain stopped and they returned to the campsite.
"Campsite" is a noun
5 .
See if you can find the pronoun(s) in the following sentence.
They were grateful for the hot tea mum gave them.
grateful, for
hot, tea
They, them
were, gave
It can be repetitive to keep listing names; remember to substitute "they" sometimes
6 .
See if you can find the pronoun(s) in the following sentence.
How late was it when you left the concert?
How, when
it, you
late, left
you, the
Use personal pronouns for succinct writing
7 .
See if you can find the pronoun(s) in the following sentence.
We didn't play football yesterday as it rained all day.
as, all
football, day
play, rained
We, it
Using "we" avoids having to write the list of everyone's names
8 .
See if you can find the pronoun(s) in the following sentence.
The teacher thanked him and gave it to Bob.
him, it
teacher, Bob
thanked, gave
The, and
Here are more personal pronouns: "me", "he", "him", "she" and "her"
9 .
See if you can find the pronoun(s) in the following sentence.
James took the book; he gave it to the teacher.
book, to
he, it
James, teacher
took, gave
Personal pronouns refer to people: for example, "you", "I", "us"
10 .
See if you can find the pronoun(s) in the following sentence.
The concert was long and it was late when it finished.
concert, late
it, it
long, late
was, finished
Remember that "it" is a pronoun because it takes the place of a noun


Author:  Sue Daish

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