The lamb's bleat sounded like laughter. Check your spelling skills of KS3 words beginning at la.
"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward." - Kurt Vonnegut.
"Laugh" is one of those tricky words which surprise children either when they first encounter it in their reading or when it is assigned as a spelling to learn. The word is an early introduction to the wonders of the digraph gh. How many words can you think of which spell the f sound with a gh? Cough? Draught? Enough?
In the Middle Ages, there was no agreement on how to spell the word "laugh", so what is now the gh was spelled variously with a y, h, yh, and the wonderful letter yogh, which looks like this: ȝ. So, if you ever find the gh a little tricky, you are in good company!