Axis and axiom are tricky words to spell beginning at ax. The more you play our KS3 spelling quizzes, the better you will be.
“Nanny Ogg knew how to start spelling 'banana', but didn't know how you stopped.” - Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad
When you stop to consider almost any word, it can begin to seem very strange and even unfamiliar. Take the word "witch", for instance. Why are "which" and "witch" spelled differently? How do you keep track of which witch/which is which? Why is it in English that tch and ch can both spell the same sound? Why do wh and w make the same sound? Did you know that a long time ago, when English was a much newer language (and we therefore call it "Old English"), the h came before the w in the words we now spell who, what, when, where and why? "Witch", on the other hand, had no h at all in Old English (nor, in fact, a t). So now you know. Or maybe not...