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UK 01
How well do you know the UK?

UK 01

This KS3 Citizenship quiz takes a look at the UK. The UK is a short way of writing The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. People often incorrectly call the UK Great Britain. You can find out why it is a mistake in one of the questions of this quiz. But in the end, it doesn't really matter, everyone knows what you mean.

The first modern humans arrived in Britain about 14,000 BC, as the last Ice Age was ending. About 7,500 years ago, the rising sea level caused by the ice melting created the English Channel and the North Sea. Scientists have estimated that about eighty percent of your DNA came from the European people stranded in Britain when it became surrounded by the sea. The other twenty percent comes from successful invasions by Celts, Picts, Vikings, Anglo Saxons, Romans and French.

1 .
What does UK stand for?
Ultra Kind
Union Knights
United Kingdom
Unlimited Klans
Wales had become part of England in the sixteenth century. At the start of the eighteenth century, the Acts of Union joined the kingdoms of England and Scotland to create Great Britain. About a century later, Great Britain joined with Northern Ireland to form the UK. Great Britain therefore only refers to England, Scotland and Wales. The UK refers to those 3 countries PLUS Northern Ireland
2 .
What does the word 'kingdom' mean?
A country surrounded by water
A country with more than 50 million inhabitants
A country, state or territory ruled by a king or queen
A territory incorporating more than one country
The UK isn't really ruled by the monarch, it is the Government that makes the decisions
3 .
At its height in 1922, the British Empire covered approximately how much of the Earth's total land area?
One third
One quarter
One half
Two thirds
It held power over about 400 million people
4 .
What is the flag of the UK known as?
Union Jack
Union John
Union Mac
Union Nick
It is also called Union Flag
5 .
What is the area of the UK?
122,333 square kilometres
244,755 square kilometres
580,333 square kilometres
784,784 square kilometres
That makes us the 85th largest country in the world
6 .
In which year did Southern Ireland become independent?
It became the Republic of Ireland
7 .
What does the word 'empire' mean in the sense of the British Empire?
A country with an emperor
A group of countries under a single supreme authority
A territory worth over £100 billion
An area constantly at war
It can mean a country ruled by an emperor, but the British Empire was never ruled by an emperor
8 .
What is the capital of Scotland?
It is built on and around an extinct volcano and is the seat of the Scottish Parliament
9 .
How many countries make up the UK?
England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
10 .
What is the approximate population of the UK?
10 million
35 million
67 million
90 million
This figure is increasing all the time
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Local and global citizenship

Author:  Frank Evans

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