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The Solar System
The path a planet follows around the Sun is called an orbit.

The Solar System

Join the fun with this exciting KS2 Science quiz all about our solar system! That's the family of planets dancing around the Sun.

Our Solar System is like a cosmic playground with the Sun, planets, moons, comets, and asteroids having a great time. People love the planets because they're like celestial superheroes with names of ancient gods - Jupiter, the king, Mars, the god of war, Neptune, the god of the sea, and Venus, the goddess of love!

Do you know which planet is the biggest or what Saturn's rings are made of? Grab your telescope and join us for a close-up look at our planetary pals!

Click to find A Parent's Secret Weapon for Smart Kids
1 .
What do we call the path a planet follows around the Sun?
An orbit
A circle
A gravitational pull
A rotation
An orbit is the path an object in space follows around another object - the Moon orbits the Earth, which orbits the Sun
2 .
Which planet is closest to the Sun?
Mercury is 46 million km from the Sun
3 .
Measured by diameter, how much bigger is the Sun than the Earth?
Approximately twice as big
Approximately 10 times
Approximately 100 times
Approximately 1,000 times
The Sun's diameter is 1,377,648 km while the Earth's is 12,756 km
4 .
Which is the largest planet in our Solar System?
The Earth could fit into Jupiter 1,000 times
5 .
What are Saturn's rings made of?
Light beams trapped by Saturn's gravitational pull
Ice particles
Thousands of moons
An asteroid belt
Saturn's seven rings are made of ice particles which travel in orbit around the planet
6 .
How long does it take the Earth to orbit the Sun?
24 hours
52 weeks
365 days
Two years
It actually takes the Earth just over 365.25 days to orbit the Sun, which is why there is an extra day in a Leap Year, occuring every four years
7 .
Which of these is the correct order of the planets (including the dwarf planet)?
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Earth, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus
Here's a mnemonic to help you remember - My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas
8 .
How many planets are there in the solar system?
Eight for now! Pluto has been called a 'dwarf planet' since 2006, when scientists debated whether it was large enough to count as a true planet - the debate continues to this day
9 .
What is the Sun?
A comet
A star
A planet
An asteroid
The Sun is our nearest star - it's only 148 million km away!
10 .
Life is found on which of these planets?
Earth and Mars
Neptune, Venus and Earth
Jupiter and Earth
No life has been found on any planet apart from Earth - at least, not yet!
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What is the solar system?

Author:  Sheri Smith

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