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Investigations 01
In order to get your results, you will need to make observations or take measurements.

Investigations 01

Dive into the world of investigations with this KS2 Science quiz – the first of three quizzes on the language of science, focusing on words like 'variable' and 'measure'.

Scientists use special words to understand things, and these words form the language of investigations. A 'variable' is something in an experiment that can change, and 'measure' is used to gauge various things, like the number of leaves on a plant or the taste of something. When you do an investigation, you're a real scientist, so using the right words is important!

Test your science language skills with this quiz on investigations!

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1 .
In order to get your results, you will need to make observations or do what?
Make a poster
Take measurements
Draw a graph
Take photos
You might need to measure the height of something, a distance, the temperature, the volume, mass, or a number of other variables
2 .
Results can be displayed using what?
A table
A graph
A chart
All of the above
Graphs, tables and charts are all good ways to display your results
3 .
What do we call the items you will need for your investigation?
'Equipment' can also be called 'apparatus'
4 .
What should come at the end of an investigation?
A mind map
An answer to the prediction
A message to your teacher
An investigation should show whether the prediction was right or wrong
5 .
What does 'method' mean?
How you decide to display your results
The measurements you take
The design of your poster
A list of steps you will take in order to carry out your investigation
It can be helpful to number the steps in your method
6 .
What do we call the question you are investigating, or what you are trying to find out?
Your prediction
Your aim
Your method
The variable
A predictions is what you think will happen, a method is how you go about finding things out and a variable is something that can be changed to see how it affects a result
7 .
How many variables should you change during an investigation?
If you make more than one change you cannot be sure which has altered the results
8 .
What does a 'fair test' mean?
Everyone in the group gets to have a go
Everyone's ideas are contributed
Only one variable is changed while the rest are kept constant
Each thing that is being tested is treated fairly
A 'fair test' always means that the person carrying out the investigation only changes one variable
9 .
When you carry out an investigation, there are many things (factors) which can change, or vary. What are these factors called?
Some examples of variables are temperature, size, time of day...
10 .
Before you carry out your investigation, what should you make?
A graph
A variable
A prediction
A cup of tea
Before you begin, you should decide what you think your investigation will show
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Working scientifically

Author:  Sheri Smith

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