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Judaism 01
A lobster is not kosher food.

Judaism 01

Judaism is a religion based on laws given to Moses. Judaism is one of the oldest living religions. It began over 3,500 years ago, during the Bronze Age, and its history is told in the Hebrew Bible.

What you might not know is that being a Jew doesn't just mean that you follow the religion Judaism. It is also an ethnic group. People can be Jewish even if they don’t follow the religion. According to traditional Jewish Law, a Jew is anyone born of at least one Jewish parent or someone who has converted to the religion of Judaism.

Test your understanding of Judaism ~ the oldest monotheistic religion ~ with this KS2 RE quiz.

1 .
According to the Torah, who received a promise from God that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky?
Judaism, Christianity and Islam each trace their faith back to Abraham. That is why these are the 'Abrahamic' faiths
2 .
The most well-known prayer in Judaism begins with the line, 'Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.' Why is this prayer important?
At the time when Judaism began, most people believed in many gods
The prayer defines what it means to be a Jew
The prayer refers to the Jewish people as one people, nation or family (Israel)
All of the above
This prayer is known as the Shema and is considered the most important of prayers - in it, people are reminded that they should love God with all their heart, all their soul and all their strength
3 .
What is the name for a Jewish spiritual leader?
An imam is an Islamic leader
4 .
Jewish people worship in a .......
The home is also an important place of worship in the Jewish faith
5 .
Which of the following would be kosher?
Pork sausages
A cheeseburger
Roast lamb
Meat and milk products served together (such as a cheeseburger), pork and shellfish are not kosher foods
6 .
The Torah was originally written in .......
The Torah is the five books of Moses (the first section of the Jewish scripture). It is also known as the Law of Moses, or Torat Moshe
7 .
What are the names of the celebrations held when a Jewish boy or girl becomes an adult?
Marriage, or Kiddushin
Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah
Channukah or Hannukah
Bar Mitzvah is for boys and Bat Mitzvah is for girls
8 .
Moses is considered the founder of Judaism. According to the Jewish faith, which of the following is NOT true of Moses?
Moses received the law (or Torah) from God
Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt
Moses heard the voice of God speaking to him from a burning bush
Moses did not care for the Israelites
Moses cared deeply for them
9 .
The Jewish holy day is known as the .......
The Sabbath, or Shabbat, begins at sunset on Friday and ends at sunset on Saturday, and is observed with prayers, resting from work, and a special family meal
10 .
The Torah teaches that God made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants, the Jewish people. What is a covenant?
A list of rules
A sacred agreement
A wish
A dream
Abraham and his descendants were to follow and obey God and in return would be God's chosen people
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Judaism

Author:  Sheri Smith

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