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Time (Year 5)
It would take 7 hours to fly from London to New York.

Time (Year 5)

Year Five students learning KS2 Maths can easily understand different units of time, like seconds and millennia. They'll pick the right unit to measure how long events last. Plus, they'll learn to read time on digital and analogue clocks, and switch between AM and PM on a 24-hour clock.

Clocks come in two types: digital and analogue. Digital clocks use numbers, while analogue clocks use words. For instance, 12:00 on a digital clock is 12 o'clock on an analogue one. Some digital clocks follow the '24-hour' format, using numbers like 03:00 for 3AM and 15:00 for 3PM.

Want to know how long a test takes? Try timing yourself to find out!

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1 .
Which of these activities would you measure in seconds?
Baking a cake
Playing a game of hide and seek
Travelling to the Moon
Playing a game of hide and seek would take minutes, baking a cake would take hours and travelling to the Moon would take days
2 .
How long is a decade?
10 weeks
10 months
10 years
10 centuries
A decade has 10 years, just as a decagon has 10 sides
3 .
How would quarter past four in the afternoon be displayed on a digital clock?
On a 24 hour clock count on from 12, so 15 will be 3. A 12 hour digital clock would say 4:15 p.m.
4 .
What time on an analogue clock is 15:20?
Twenty minutes past 5
Twenty minutes past 3
Twenty minutes past 4
Twenty minutes past 2
Count on from 12, so 15 will be 3
5 .
How long would it take to run across the school field?
2 seconds
2 minutes
2 hours
2 days
If it would take you 2 hours then your school has a very, very large field!
6 .
Which unit of time would you use to measure how long it takes to eat your dinner?
If you can eat your dinner in seconds then you are eating too fast!
7 .
How long would it take to fly from London to New York?
7 hours
7 weeks
7 months
7 centuries
In a modern boat you could sail in about a week. When America was first discovered the journey would take a few months
8 .
How many days in a leap year?
350 days
364 days
365 days
366 days
There is a leap year every 4 years
9 .
How would ten to ten in the morning be displayed on a digital clock?
A 12 hour digital clock would say 9:50 a.m.
10 .
How many days in July?
28 days
29 days
30 days
31 days
30 days hath September, April, June and November; all the rest have 31, except February alone
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Time

Author:  Amanda Swift

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