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Time (Year 3)
60 seconds is equivalent to 1 minute.

Time (Year 3)

In KS2 Maths, Year Three children learn about time. They explore seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Did you know there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 12 months in a year? They also figure out when to use minutes to time a meal or hours to time a long journey. Plus, telling the time on digital and analogue clocks is cool!

Time isn't just seconds and hours; it's also years and millennia. We use clocks, watches, and calendars to measure time. Clocks can be analogue or digital. It's important to be able to read the time in both formats!

Do you know how many days in a week, months in a year, or years in a decade? Take the test and discover your time knowledge!

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1 .
24 hours is the same as what?
1 day
1 month
1 week
1 year
There are many more than 24 hours in a week, a month and a year!
2 .
Which unit of time would you use to measure how long it takes to brush your teeth?
It should take about 3 minutes to brush your teeth
3 .
What is equivalent to 1 minute?
60 seconds
2 hours
30 seconds
100 seconds
Just as there are 60 minutes in an hour, there are 60 seconds in a minute
4 .
Which of these statements is true?
12:10 pm is in the morning
12:10 am is in the afternoon
12:10 pm is in the afternoon
12:10 am does not exist
a.m. is morning and p.m. is afternoon
5 .
How many days in a year?
200 days
250 days
300 days
365 days
Except for leap years - they have 366 days
6 .
If a digital display showed 2:10 what time would it be on the analogue clock?
Ten minutes past 1
Ten minutes to 1
Ten minutes past 2
Ten minutes to 2
The number on the left shows the hour and the number on the right is the number of minutes past the hour
7 .
What is equivalent to 52 weeks?
There are also 12 months in 1 year
8 .
How would you write twenty minutes to four on a digital clock?
It has not reached 4 o'clock yet so the digital display will show a 3
9 .
How many minutes in one hour?
10 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
Half an hour is 30 minutes and quarter of an hour is 15
10 .
How many days in 1 week?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Time

Author:  Amanda Swift

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