In KS2 Maths, you'll have loads of fun with multiplication and division! By Year Six, you'll be a times tables champ and a pro at basic multiplication and division. You'll also get to know cool words like 'multiple', 'factor', and 'product'.
Multiplication and division are super cool because they involve remainders – the bits left over. You'll learn to turn leftovers (remainders) into fractions and decimals. Imagine having 4 cats and 10 treats – you give each cat 2 treats, and you're left with 2 treats! Let's turn that into maths magic: 10 ÷ 4 = 2 r2 or 2.5 or 21⁄2. Now, test your awesome skills with a fun quiz about multiplication and division!
Quizzes: The Path to Smart and Happy Kids. Learn More