In KS2 Maths, as you move to Year Five, you'll become a measuring master! Know your millimetres, centimetres, metres, and kilometres. Get comfy with grams, kilograms, millilitres, and litres. Combine them like a pro (e.g., 1.5kg = 1kg 500g). Round off smaller measures (e.g., 740m to 1km).
Grams and kilograms weigh things. Write weight in kg (1.6kg) or g (1,600g) or both (1kg 600g). Round 1.6kg to 2kg. Learn metric and imperial for everyday life. Quizzes on measures help you know grams from ounces, metres from miles. Keep practising!
Can you combine m with km? Round ml to the nearest l? Metric or imperial, know the difference! Test yourself in this KS2 Maths quiz on measures.
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