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A chain of mountains is called a range.


One aspect of geography that is studied in KS2 is mountains. Children will learn about some of the highest mountains in the word and also mountain ranges, but the main focus of their study is the climates and the environments that are found on mountains.

Mountains are large steep hills found all over the world, but even ones in hot countries have cold climates at their highest altitudes. The tops of the highest mountains are dangerous environments for a human. The temperature is bitterly cold and there is very little oxygen in the air. The adjective 'montane' is used to describe mountainous areas and things associated with them. Did you know that the highest known mountain in the Solar System is on the planet Mars? It is over twice the height of Mount Everest!

Test yourself on the climates and environments found on mountains by playing this quiz. Can you reach the lofty heights of ten correct answers?

1 .
What type of climate is at the foot of a mountain?
That of the surrounding area
The same as the peak
If a mountain is found in a tropical climate then the foot of the mountain will be tropical. While a mountain found in a cold climate will be cold at the foot
2 .
What is the name of permanently frozen rivers?
Ice cubes
Ice channels
Glaciers covered much of Britain during the Ice Age
3 .
Which is the highest mountain in the world?
Ben Nevis
Mount Etna
Mount Everest
Mount Everest can be found in the Himalayas mountain range
4 .
Which side of a mountain can be a desert?
This is because the mountains block rain so that one side is wet while the other is dry
5 .
Where are most mountains found?
Under the oceans
Lots of tiny islands are the tips of underwater mountains
6 .
What happens to the climate as you get higher up a mountain?
Cooler and wetter
Cooler and drier
Warmer and wetter
Warmer and drier
Because it is colder higher up the water in the air condenses
7 .
What is the timberline?
The line where trees do not grow any further up the mountain
The line where trees start to grow on a mountain
The line where trees change from deciduous to coniferous
The line where trees change from coniferous to deciduous
The climate is too harsh for trees above the timberline
8 .
At which height does a hill become a mountain?
6 m
60 m
600 m
6,000 m
There are 120 mountains in the British Isles
9 .
What is a chain of mountains called?
A series
A range
A system
A group
The longest mountain range is the Andes in South America
10 .
What type of tree grows just below the timberline?
Coniferous trees are better able to withstand the cold climate higher up the mountainside
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Explore mountains

Author:  Amanda Swift

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