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It's very important to know how and when to use paragraphs in your writing.


Let's explore paragraphing in this KS2 English quiz! Paragraphing is like organising your writing to make it clear and easy to read. The first sentence, called the 'topic' sentence, introduces what the paragraph is about. The next sentences support your point, and the last one sums it up and leads to the next paragraph. If things change, like the topic or mood, start a new paragraph.

Paragraphs also make reading easier. Imagine a big chunk of text with no paragraphs - it's like a word wall! Adding paragraphs lets you take a little break between each part.

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1 .
Read the topic sentence. Which sentence would NOT belong in the same paragraph with the others?
It had been a very long day.
I had forgotten to reset my alarm the night before and was not happy when it woke me at six a.m.
Then there was no bread for toast.
Finally, you should always jot down the instructions before you forget them.
The worst thing about the day was when my bus broke down on the way home.
This sentence, at first glance, seems to have nothing to do with it being a long day!
2 .
Read the topic sentence. Which sentence would NOT belong in the same paragraph with the others?
School dinners should be healthier.
When surveyed, 85 percent of pupils said they would like their school to start a breakfast club.
A balanced, nutritious, filling dinner will give children more energy.
If healthier meals are presented attractively, pupils will be encouraged to try them.
Healthier dinners will make pupils more alert.
The subject has moved on to breakfast.
3 .
Read the topic sentence. Which sentence would NOT belong in the same paragraph with the others?
Karate is a popular sport with clubs found throughout the United Kingdom.
A quick search on the internet should provide a good list of local karate organisations or clubs.
Leisure centres also provide opportunities for other sports such as swimming and yoga.
There are karate clubs which cater for both adults and children.
Many karate clubs are run through local leisure centres.
The subject has changed from karate to swimming and yoga, and so requires a new paragraph.
4 .
Read the topic sentence. Which sentence would NOT belong in the same paragraph with the others?
Deciduous trees grow in temperate climates.
Examples of deciduous trees include oak, ash, beech and maple.
In northern climates, bears spend the winter in hibernation.
In autumn, leaves lose their green chlorophyll and become bright shades of red, orange, or yellow.
Unlike evergreens, deciduous trees lose their leaves in the autumn.
It is important to remember to stick to your topic in a paragraph. If you wanted to begin writing about the animals which live in temperate climates (such as bears), you would need a new paragraph.
5 .
Read the topic sentence. Which sentence would NOT belong in the same paragraph with the others?
I am writing to complain about the shocking state of the high street.
Many of the shops are permanently shuttered and their shutters are covered in graffiti.
The rubbish bins are overflowing.
The pavements are littered with nasty chewing gum.
The seafront attracts many tourists.
If you're not sure whether to start a new paragraph, read your words aloud and see if you can spot the 'natural breaks'.
6 .
Read the topic sentence. Which sentence would NOT belong in the same paragraph with the others?
Bats are amazing.
Bats are nocturnal, which means they are active at night and sleep during the day.
They are the only mammals that can fly.
Bats navigate by using their ears to pick up echoes, rather than by using their eyes as humans do.
Cats also prefer to hunt at night.
The topic sentence, 'Bats are amazing', would be a good beginning for an introduction. Each of the correct sentences in this paragraph would make a good topic sentence for a new paragraph - a report on bats might have a paragraph on how bats sleep during the day and hunt at night, a paragraph on how bats fly, and a paragraph on how bats navigate by sound.
7 .
Read the topic sentence. Which sentence would NOT belong in the same paragraph with the others?
The rain fell in sheets over the mountains.
From the south, a heavy black cloud rolled ominously towards them.
The wind, which had been unnoticeable until that moment, shrieked in their ears.
'We don't want to be caught out on the mountaintop during this storm,' Heather shouted over the wind.
'Come on, let's go. Quickly!' John agreed.
When writing fiction, you should always remember that a new speaker deserves a new paragraph - never put the dialogue of two characters in the same paragraph. Mixed dialogue can be very confusing for your reader.
8 .
Read the topic sentence. Which sentence would NOT belong in the same paragraph with the others?
Queen Elizabeth I reigned as Queen from 1558 to 1603.
Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth succeeded her half-sister, Mary, to the throne.
Elizabeth's younger half-brother, Edward, reigned from 1547 to 1553.
Despite her youth, Elizabeth proved to be a capable and popular Queen.
During her long reign, she weathered many dangers and challenges.
Since the topic of this paragraph is Elizabeth's reign, Edward's reign as King does not belong, although it would fit in another paragraph in the same report.
9 .
Read the topic sentence. Which sentence would NOT belong in the same paragraph with the others?
Making your own chocolate bars is easy and fun!
First, you should gather your ingredients and your equipment.
Choose your favourite dried fruit, nuts, or other ingredients, such as marshmallows.
First, the cocoa pods are harvested.
Once you've gathered everything you will need, make sure you wash your hands.
Have you ever made anything with chocolate?
10 .
Read the topic sentence. Which sentence would NOT belong in the same paragraph with the others?
The afternoon stretched out, lazily.
The air felt heavy, causing the children's eyelids to droop.
Without warning...SMASH...the window behind them shattered.
Bees buzzed around the rosebushes.
The warm, sunny meadow invited them to a game of tag, but they had no energy to respond.
A sudden change of mood or tempo requires a new paragraph.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What are paragraphs?

Author:  Sheri Smith

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