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People who help us
A coastguard helps people in trouble at sea.

People who help us

As part of your KS2 Citizenship lessons, you will learn about people who help us. Emergency services and rescue services are people who help us. As well as these services, there are many people in school, at home or out in the community who help us in lots of ways. Some people’s jobs are all about helping others such as when we are sick.

Throughout your life there will be times when you will require help such as if you have an accident or discover a fire. It’s important to know what to do and who to ask for help in these situations. There is a very easy telephone number to call in an emergency and it’s crucial to know this number without having to look it up or ask someone.

This quiz tests what you know about people who help us, not only in the all-important emergency and rescue services.

1 .
In an emergency, which number do we call?
NEVER call this number unless it is a real emergency
2 .
Which of these jobs is not helping people in the community?
Bus Driver
Ambulance Driver
A bus driver helps us to get from one place to another!
3 .
When we are hurt in an accident, which vehicle takes us to hospital?
Fire Engine
Police Car
If it's an emergency the ambulance will have its siren on
4 .
What does a coastguard do?
Helps people who can’t start their boat
Helps people who are ill
Helps people cross the road
Helps people in trouble at sea
Coastguards are only needed in seaside towns and villages
5 .
Which of these jobs is NOT done by a Fire Officer?
Get a cat out of a tree
Rescue someone from a sinking boat at sea
Put a fire out
Give advice about fire safety
A fire would be unlikely on a sinking boat!
6 .
Which of these people help us cross the road?
School Crossing Patrol Officer
Traffic Warden
School Meals Attendant
They are commonly known as lollipop men or ladies!
7 .
Which of these jobs is NOT done by a Police Officer?
Help people keep their homes safe
Stop people for speeding in their car
Arrest people who are breaking the law
Drive an ambulance
Do you know anyone who works for the Police?
8 .
Which people in the community do NOT wear uniforms?
Police Officer
Fire Fighter
You can recognise a nurse, police officer and fire fighter from the outfit they have to wear
9 .
What does a Paramedic do?
Rescue people from fires
Give emergency first aid
Diagnose an illness
Look after you when you visit the doctors
Paramedics can save lives if there are no ambulances immediately available
10 .
Which of these people look after us in hospital?
Ambulance Driver
Police Officer
Have you ever been to hospital?


Author:  Amanda Swift

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