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Using a Sketch Book
Good sketch books are overflowing, untidy and full of creativity!

Using a Sketch Book

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS2 in Art and Design for children aged 7 to 11 in years 3 to 6. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with understanding processes and techniques, and in particular, using a sketch book.

Using a sketch book to record observations and ideas and to practise techniques is an important part of the artistic process. It is a good place to store experiments, work on compositions and refine techniques and even very young children should develop a healthy sketch book 'habit' to help them progress their skills.

How much do you know about using a sketch book? Answer the questions and find out!

1 .
Which of the following best describes how sketch books should be?
Full to the brim with notes, sketches, ideas, photos and experiments
Kept in a pristine condition at all times
Used only in an emergency
Only contain things which are definitely going to work
Good sketch books are overflowing, untidy and full of creativity!
2 .
Sketch books can be used to review your own work. How could you do this?
By using a page torn out of the sketch book
By sticking in a photocopy of your piece and making notes about what worked or didn't work
By letting the teacher write you a note in the sketch book
By remembering what worked in your head
Looking back on what worked or didn't work is a good way to improve your work in the future
3 .
When mixing and experimenting with colours, how is a sketchbook useful?
It will make the sketch book really colourful
It will fill in some time in lessons
You can keep a record of how you mixed certain colours you might need later on
It will save having to get up and find some paper
This way, you could mix the same colours again without having to experiment first
4 .
To make comments about a picture of a piece of artwork, you could do what?
You could talk to your friends
You could ask the teacher
You could ask your parents
You could lay some tracing paper over a copy of the artwork and write notes
Making notes like this means you can write all over the artwork but still see it clearly
5 .
Which of the following would you not expect to find in a sketchbook?
Pressed flowers, rubbings, observational drawings
Photographs, notes, photocopies of other works
Samples of materials, experiments with media and lists of equipment
Lots and lots of empty pages
Sketch books can be filled with anything which stimulates your art - even music titles which inspire you to create!
6 .
Recording personal reactions in a sketch book means what?
Asking your friends what they felt and then copying
How you personally felt about something
Looking up how you should feel on the internet
Making up how you felt so it's not embarassing
Everyone reacts differently to art - this is perfectly OK!
7 .
What is a sketch book not useful for?
Recording ideas
Practising a new technique
Propping open the door
Experimenting with ideas and compositions
Sketch books are used by all artists
8 .
When making a rough sketch in a sketch book, it might be handy to do what?
To phone your teacher to tell them
To make notes, including the date and location
To do it with your eyes closed
To take a photograph instead
Looking back on older sketches might help to develop ideas for artwork
9 .
A page of sketches might show the same item from different what?
From different people
From different shops
From different angles and viewpoints
From different days
Noticing small details from different viewpoints is useful when drawing or painting the final piece
10 .
When beginning a new project, how many pages of your sketch book might you use?
Only one or two
Most of one book
Two or three books
Any of the above!
Every project is different - sometimes you may collect and store lots of sketch book work, sometimes only a little


Author:  Angela Smith

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