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Staying Healthy - Colds and Flu
Coughs and sneezes spread diseases, catch them in your handkerchiefs!

Staying Healthy - Colds and Flu

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Science for children aged 5 and 6 in years 1 and 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with staying healthy and using tissues to guard against colds and flu.

Everyone gets a cold or the flu now and again. How can we guard ourselves against them and stay healthy? Coughs and colds spread easily. Often they spread quickly through the children in a school. It is very easy to catch a cold. Colds and flu are spread by bugs. So it is a good idea to try to stop the bugs from spreading. This quiz is about how we can guard ourselves against the bugs and stay healthy.

1 .
Colds and flu are not the only illnesses. What has this boy caught?
Poorly tummy
Lots of children get chickenpox. Have you had chickenpox?
2 .
Instead of tissues, some older people use a ____________.
Handkerchiefs are made of cotton. They can be washed
3 .
What do you have when you have a cold?
Runny nose
Poorly tummy
When was the last time you had a cold?
4 .
What is the word ‘flu’ short for?
Have you ever had the flu?
5 .
Tom’s Grandma has a saying: ‘Coughs and sneezes spread ________.’
Cold weather
Cold water
What word rhymes with sneezes?
6 .
Carla has a bad cold. She blows her nose into a tissue. She puts the tissue in the bin. What else should she do to stop the nasty bugs spreading?
Never blow her nose
Not use a tissue next time
Wash her hands as soon as possible
Give the tissue to her friend next time
Washing your hands is a good way to stop nasty bugs spreading
7 .
Colds are not nice. The flu is worse. This boy has the flu. What is his mother doing?
Taking his pulse
Feeding him
Taking his temperature
Measuring his breathing
When you are poorly you can have a high temperature. If you have the flu you have a high temperature
8 .
If you are very poorly, you might have to go and see a ______.
Some children have to go to hospital. There are lots of doctors and nurses in a hospital
9 .
We should blow our nose into a ______.
Tea towel
Then put the tissue in the bin
10 .
Sometimes you just can’t stop a cough or a sneeze. But you should always:
Cover your mouth and nose with your hands
Cough and sneeze towards people
Laugh about it
Cough and sneeze as hard as you can
A tissue is best, but covering your mouth and nose stops some of the nasty bugs going into the air
Author:  David Bland

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